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สังคมของพระกับสังคมของคฤหัสถ์นั้นแม้จะอยู่ในสังคมร่วมกัน แต่ทัศนคติกติกาของสังคมคงต่างกัน sangR khohmM khaawngR phraH gapL sangR khohmM khaawngR khaH reuH hatL nanH maaeH jaL yuuL naiM sangR khohmM ruaamF ganM dtaaeL thatH saL naH khaH dtiL gaL dtiL gaaM khaawngR sangR khohmM khohngM dtaangL ganM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | สัง-คม-ของ-พฺระ-กับ-สัง-คม-ของ-คะ-รึ-หัด-นั้น-แม้-จะ-หฺยู่-ไน-สัง-คม-ร่วม-กัน-แต่-ทัด-สะ-นะ-คะ-ติ-กะ-ติ-กา-ของ-สัง-คม-คง-ต่าง-กัน |
IPA | sǎŋ kʰom kʰɔ̌ːŋ pʰráʔ kàp sǎŋ kʰom kʰɔ̌ːŋ kʰá rɯ́ʔ hàt nán mɛ́ː tɕàʔ jùː naj sǎŋ kʰom rûːam kan tɛ̀ː tʰát sà ná kʰá tìʔ kà tìʔ kaː kʰɔ̌ːŋ sǎŋ kʰom kʰoŋ tàːŋ kan |
Royal Thai General System | sangkhom khong phra kap sangkhom khong kharuehat nan mae cha yu nai sangkhom ruam kan tae thatsanakhati katika khong sangkhom khong tang kan |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "Even though monks and laypersons live in close proximity, their respective attitudes and ways of life are different." | ||
components | สังคม | sangR khohmM | society; populace; people (as a collective); group |
ของ | khaawngR | of; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"] | |
พระ | phraH | priest; minister; cleric; monk; padre; god; Buddha image | |
กับ | gapL | with; to; for | |
สังคม | sangR khohmM | [is] social | |
ของ | khaawngR | of; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"] | |
คฤหัสถ์ | khaH reuH hatL | householder; layman; laity | |
นั้น | nanH | that; so; like that; in that way | |
แม้ | maaeH | though; if; provided; even; even if | |
จะ | jaL | [auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall | |
อยู่ | yuuL | is (located at); to reside; to live (at); stay; exist at a particular point in time | |
ใน | naiM | in; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time | |
สังคม | sangR khohmM | society; populace; people (as a collective); group | |
ร่วมกัน | ruaamF ganM | together | |
แต่ | dtaaeL | but; even; however; rather | |
ทัศนคติ | thatH saL naH khaH dtiL | view point; angle; aspect; point of view; perspective; attitude | |
กติกา | gaL dtiL gaaM | covenant; rule; condition; agreement | |
ของ | khaawngR | of; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"] | |
สังคม | sangR khohmM | society; populace; people (as a collective); group | |
คง | khohngM | probably; most likely | |
ต่างกัน | dtaangL ganM | [is] different from; different | |