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"พังหมดแล้ว" เด็กชายว่า phangM mohtL laaeoH dekL chaaiM waaF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | พัง-หฺมด-แล้ว-เด็ก-ชาย-ว่า |
IPA | pʰaŋ mòt lɛ́ːw dèk tɕʰaːj wâː |
Royal Thai General System | phang mot laeo dek chai wa |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "It's all gone," <>the boy said. | ||
notes | M:/0/3/d-*canonical,subject=drop::/4/5/*canonical,object=front O:mound/ N:collapse/ FT:predicate/argument T:x-st-mound-do-x/x-st-x-was-spoken F:collapse/dialog | ||
categories | |||
components | Øs | [dropped subject] | |
พัง | phangM | to collapse; to crash down; to tumble down; fall or break; to be in a ruined condition | |
หมด | mohtL | completely; totally; entirely; all | |
แล้ว | laaeoH | [adverbial word indicating past tense or aspect marker indicating present perfect (past continued to present)] in the past; completed; still; to make done | |
เด็กชาย | dekL chaaiM | [formal honorific for a young boy, age 15 or less] boy; little boy; Master (obs.) | |
ว่า | waaF | to speak; say; aver; think | |