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กำแพงมีหู ประตูมีตา gamM phaaengM meeM huuR bpraL dtuuM meeM dtaaM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กำ-แพง-มี-หู-ปฺระ-ตู-มี-ตา |
IPA | kam pʰɛːŋ miː hǔː pràʔ tuː miː taː |
Royal Thai General System | kamphaeng mi hu pratu mi ta |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "The walls have ears. [Doors have eyes.]" | ||
categories | |||
components | กำแพง | gamM phaaengM | exterior wall |
มี | meeM | to have or possess; to be available | |
หู | huuR | ear | |
ประตู | bpraL dtuuM | door; gate; doorway; entrance | |
มี | meeM | to have or possess; to be available | |
ตา | dtaaM | eye | |