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ฉันล้อเล่นหรอก อย่าโกรธเลย chanR laawH lenF raawkL yaaL gro:htL leeuyM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ฉัน-ล้อ-เล่น-หฺรอก-หฺย่า-โกฺรด-เลย |
IPA | tɕʰǎn lɔ́ː lên rɔ̀ːk jàː kròːt lɤːj |
Royal Thai General System | chan lo len rok ya krot loei |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "I was only kidding. Don’t be angry." | ||
categories | |||
components | ฉัน | chanR | [used by females in an informal setting—also used by males with intimate friends or lovers] I, me, my |
ล้อเล่น | laawH lenF | to tease; to kid; joke; tell a joke | |
หรอก | raawkL | [word often used with statements of contradiction or negation] surely (not), of course (not) | |
อย่า | yaaL | don't...; do not...; don't be...; doesn't | |
โกรธ | gro:htL | [is] mad; angry; pissed off | |
เลย | leeuyM | [used for emphasis at the end of a statement] " all." — " much!" — "...extremely!; completely, directly; simply, without doing anything else first; right away | |