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ประชาชนพากันปลื้มปิติเพราะกองทัพได้ชัยชนะ bpraL chaaM chohnM phaaM ganM bpleuumF bpiL dtiL phrawH gaawngM thapH daiF chaiM chaH naH |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ปฺระ-ชา-ชน-พา-กัน-ปฺลื้ม-ปิ-ติ-เพฺราะ-กอง-ทับ-ได้-ชัย-ชะ-นะ |
IPA | pràʔ tɕʰaː tɕʰon pʰaː kan plɯ̂ːm pìʔ tìʔ pʰrɔ́ʔ kɔːŋ tʰáp dâj tɕʰaj tɕʰá náʔ |
Royal Thai General System | prachachon pha kan pluem piti phro kong thap dai chai chana |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "The people rejoiced because their army was victorious." | ||
components | ประชาชน | bpraL chaaM chohnM | citizens, the public; people |
พากัน | phaaM ganM | to do something together | |
ปลื้มปิติ | bpleuumF bpiL dtiL | [is] joyful; delighted; glad; happy | |
เพราะ | phrawH | because; because of; due to; owing to | |
กองทัพ | gaawngM thapH | armed forces | |
ได้ | daiF | [aspect marker indicating present and present perfect—action which happened in the past and continues to the present] | |
ชัยชนะ | chaiM chaH naH | to defeat; become victorious; win | |