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bpleuumF bpiL dtiL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiปฺลื้ม-ปิ-ติ
IPAplɯ̂ːm pìʔ tìʔ
Royal Thai General Systempluem piti

1. ความปลื้มปิติ  khwaamM bpleuumF bpiL dtiL  [noun]
happiness; joy; delight

componentsความkhwaamM[a prefix which converts an adjective or verb into a noun]
ปลื้ม bpleuumF[is] pleased; glad; delighted
ปิติ bpiL dtiL[is] glad; happy; joyful
synonymsกรีฑา greeM thaaMamusement, entertainment
การละเล่นgaanM laH lenFa game; an entertainment
ความบันเทิงkhwaamM banM theerngMhappy activities; entertainment
ความปลื้มใจkhwaamM bpleuumF jaiMhappiness; contentment
ความสบายkhwaamM saL baaiMease
ความสำราญkhwaamM samR raanMhappiness; contentment
ความหรรษาkhwaamM hanR saaRhappiness; delight
ความผาสุกkhwaamM phaaR sookLhappiness; contentment
นันทนาการnanM thaH naaM gaanMrecreation; amusement; avocation; diversion; entertainment
ปราโมทย์bpraaM mo:htFhappiness; merriment; delight; joy; jubilation; exultation
มหรสพ maH haawR raH sohpLrecreation; entertainment; amusement
สันทนาการsanR thaH naaM gaanMrecreation, amusement, avocation, diversion, entertainment
2. ปลื้มปิติ  bpleuumF bpiL dtiL  [adjective]
[is] joyful; delighted; glad; happy

componentsปลื้ม bpleuumF[is] pleased; glad; delighted
ปิติ bpiL dtiL[is] glad; happy; joyful
bpraL chaaM chohnM phaaM ganM bpleuumF bpiL dtiL phrawH gaawngM thapH daiF chaiM chaH naH
"The people rejoiced because their army was victorious."
phuuF bpenM maaeF faoF maawngM duuM khwaamM sookL theeF luukF daiF rapH jaakL dtohnM yaangL bpleuumF bpiL dtiL
"The mother watched joyfully the happiness that her child received from her."

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