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นายพรานอย่างเขาคลุกคลีอยู่กับป่าดงตั้งแต่กำเนิด naaiM phraanM yaangL khaoR khlookH khleeM yuuL gapL bpaaL dohngM dtangF dtaaeL gamM neertL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | นาย-พฺราน-หฺย่าง-เขา-คฺลุก-คฺลี-หฺยู่-กับ-ป่า-ดง-ตั้ง-แต่-กำ-เหฺนิด |
IPA | naːj pʰraːn jàːŋ kʰǎw kʰlúk kʰliː jùː kàp pàː doŋ tâŋ tɛ̀ː kam nɤ̀ːt |
Royal Thai General System | nai phran yang khao khlukkhli yu kap pa dong tang tae kamnoet |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "A hunter like him has been involved with the jungle since he was born." | ||
components | นาย | naaiM | [a prefix meaning] one who is an officer of a business; boss; master; superior; mister |
พราน | phraanM | hunter; woods person | |
อย่าง | yaangL | like; as | |
เขา | khaoR | [3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them | |
คลุกคลี | khlookH khleeM | to associate; to consort with; to contact; get in touch with; make friends with | |
อยู่กับ | yuuL gapL | to attend; live in; exist in; live with; be with; attached to | |
ป่าดง | bpaaL dohngM | forest; jungle; rain forest | |
ตั้งแต่ | dtangF dtaaeL | since; from [indicating a span of time or distance or a range of items or varieties] from (...'a' to 'z') | |
กำเนิด | gamM neertL | [formal, written Thai] to be born; to bring forth | |