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ซ่อนขยะไว้ไม่ให้ใครเห็น saawnF khaL yaL waiH maiF haiF khraiM henR |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ซ่อน-ขะ-หฺยะ-ไว้-ไม่-ไฮ่-ไคฺร-เห็น |
IPA | sɔ̂ːn kʰà jàʔ wáj mâj hâj kʰraj hěn |
Royal Thai General System | son khaya wai mai hai khrai hen |
[verb, phrase] | |||
definition | to sweep dirt under the rug; hide problems from view | ||
components | ซ่อน | saawnF | to conceal or hide an item or oneself |
ขยะ | khaL yaL | trash; garbage; rubbish; refuse | |
ไว้ | waiH | [aspect marker indicating a completed event which is considered beneficial] | |
ไม่ | maiF | not; no | |
ให้ | haiF | to give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something | |
ใคร | khraiM | anyone; anybody; someone; somebody; whoever | |
เห็น | henR | to see; visualize | |
synonym | |||