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khaoR wingF sootL gamM langM pheuuaF theeF jaL bpaiM haiF theungR senF chaiM dtaamM theeF dtangF jaiM waiH haiF daiF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเขา-วิ่ง-สุด-กำ-ลัง-เพื่อ-ที่-จะ-ไป-ไฮ่-ถึง-เซ่น-ชัย-ตาม-ที่-ตั้ง-ไจ-ไว้-ไฮ่-ได้
IPAkʰǎw wîŋ sùt kam laŋ pʰɯ̂ːa tʰîː tɕàʔ paj hâj tʰɯ̌ŋ sên tɕʰaj taːm tʰîː tâŋ tɕaj wáj hâj dâj
Royal Thai General Systemkhao wing sut kamlang phuea thi cha pai hai thueng sen chai tam thi tang chai wai hai dai

 [example sentence]
"He ran all out so that he could cross the finish line and achieve his goal."

componentsเขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
วิ่ง wingFto run; rush; speed <subject> runs
สุดกำลังsootL gamM langMwith all one's energy; as much as one is able; with as much strength as possible
เพื่อ pheuuaFfor; on behalf of; for the purpose of...
ที่จะtheeF jaLto; of; that
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
ให้ haiFfor; towards; in the direction of; into; to
ถึง theungRto reach; arrive at; attain; get to
เส้นชัยsenF chaiMfinish (line)
ตามที่dtaamM theeFaccording (to); as may be; such as; as
ตั้งใจ dtangF jaiM[is] attentive; determined; resolute
ไว้ waiH[aspect marker indicating a completed event which is considered beneficial]
ให้ได้haiF daiFwithout fail

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