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Provinces of Thailand

Notes1995 population data from Institute of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University and Administrative and Civil Registration Division, Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior.
อำนาจเจริญamM naatF jaL reernMAmnat Charoen, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 354,298 (rank 62 of 76)
อ่างทอง aangL thaawngMAng Thong, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 286,389 (rank 67 of 76)
อยุธยา aL yootH thaH yaaMAyutthaya, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 706,502 (rank 33 of 76)
กรุงเทพฯgroongM thaehpFBangkok, a province in central Thailand, having the largest provincial population, probably around 8 million (including metropolitan areas in surrounding provinces)
บึงกาฬbeungM gaanMBueng Kan Province, a province in northeastern Thailand created in 2011 from several districts in หนองคาย 
บุรีรัมย์ booL reeM ramMBuriram, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,458,288 (rank 7 of 76)
ฉะเชิงเทรา chaL cheerngM saoMChachoengsao, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 609,241 (rank 38 of 76)
ชัยนาท chaiM naatFChai Nat, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 350,318 (rank 63 of 76)
ชัยภูมิ chaiM yaH phuumMChaiyaphum, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,093,063 (rank 15 of 76)
จันทบุรี janM thaH booL reeMChanthaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 471,813 (rank 53 of 76)
เชียงใหม่ chiiangM maiLChiang Mai, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,552,766 (rank 5 of 76)
เชียงราย chiiangM raaiMChiang Rai, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,249,328 (rank 12 of 76)
ชลบุรี chohnM booL reeMChonburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 982,975 (rank 18 of 76)
ชุมพร choomM phaawnMChumphon, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 432,867 (rank 57 of 76)
กาฬสินธุ์ gaaM laH sinRKalasin, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 960,357 (rank 19 of 76)
กำแพงเพชร gamM phaaengM phaehtFKamphaeng Phet, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 742,383 (rank 30 of 76)
กาญจนบุรี gaanM jaL naH booL reeMKanchanaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 744,933 (rank 29 of 76)
ขอนแก่น khaawnR gaenLKhon Kaen, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,652,030 (rank 4 of 76)
กระบี่ graL beeLKrabi, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 330,094 (rank 64 of 76)
ลำปาง lamM bpaangMLampang, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 803,191 (rank 26 of 76)
ลำพูน lamM phuunMLamphun, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 404,966 (rank 59 of 76)
เลย leeuyMLoei, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 621,544 (rank 35 of 76)
ลพบุรี lohpH booL reeMLopburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 740,826 (rank 31 of 76); the capital city having been the capital of Thailand for a period in the 1600s.
แม่ฮ่องสอน maaeF haawngF saawnRMae Hong Son, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 212,928 (rank 72 of 76)
มหาสารคาม maH haaR saaR raH khaamMMaha Sarakham, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 910,750 (rank 21 of 76)
มุกดาหาร mookH daaM haanRMukdahan, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 317,642 (rank 66 of 76)
นครนายกnaH khaawnM naaM yohkHNakhon Nayok, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 237,145 (rank 69 of 76)
นครปฐมnaH khaawnM bpaL thohmRNakhon Pathom, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 730,076 (rank 32 of 76)
นครพนมnaH khaawnM phaH nohmMNakhon Phanom, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 690,035 (rank 34 of 76)
นครราชสีมาnaH khaawnM raatF chaH seeR maaMNakhon Ratchasima, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 2,467,831 (rank 2 of 76); also known as โคราช  (Khorat)
นครสวรรค์naH khaawnM saL wanRNakhon Sawan, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,116,803 (rank 14 of 76)
นครศรีธรรมราชnaH khaawnM seeR thamM maH raatFNakhon Si Thammarat, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,488,947 (rank 6 of 76). The capital city, Nakhon Si Thammarat is a regional industrial center.
น่าน naanFNan, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 473,115 (rank 52 of 76)
นราธิวาส naH raaM thiH waatFNarathiwat, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 619,311 (rank 36 of 76)
หนองบัวลำภู naawngR buaaM lamM phuuMNong Bualamphu, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 477,129 (rank 50 of 76)
หนองคาย naawngR khaaiMNong Khai, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 873,313 (rank 22 of 76)
นนทบุรี nohnM thaH booL reeMNonthaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 754,627 (rank 28 of 76)
ปทุมธานีbpaL thoomM thaaM neeMPathum Thani, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 524,251 (rank 44 of 76)
ปัตตานี bpatL dtaaM neeMPattani, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 572,191 (rank 40 of 76)
พังงา phangM ngaaMPhang Nga, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 224,500 (rank 70 of 76)
พัทลุง phatH thaH loongMPhattalung, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 491,326 (rank 48 of 76)
พะเยา phaH yaoMPhayao, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 517,257 (rank 45 of 76)
เพชรบุรี phaehtF booL reeMPhetburi, Petchaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 447,094 (rank 56 of 76)
เพชรบูรณ์ phetH chaH buunMPhetchabun, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,026,137 (rank 17 of 76)
พิจิตร phiH jitLPhichit, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 592,125 (rank 39 of 76)
แพร่ phraaeFPhrae, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 493,505 (rank 47 of 76)
ภูเก็ต phuuM getLPhuket, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 207,777 (rank 74 of 76)
พิษณุโลก phitH saL nooH lo:hkFPitsanulok, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 846,630 (rank 23 of 76)
ปราจีนบุรี bpraaM jeenM booL reeMPrachinburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 426,639 (rank 58 of 76)
ประจวบคีรีขันธ์ bpraL juaapL kheeM reeM khanRPrachuap Khiri Khan, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 461,016 (rank 54 of 76)
ระนอง raH naawngMRanong, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 143,397 (rank 76 of 76)
ราชบุรี raatF chaH booL reeMRatchaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 798,076 (rank 27 of 76)
ระยอง raH yaawngMRayong, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 477,895 (rank 49 of 76)
ร้อยเอ็ด raawyH etLRoi Et, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,291,750 (rank 11 of 76)
สระแก้วsaL gaaeoFSa Kaew, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 507,743 (rank 46 of 76)
สกลนครsaL gohnM naH khaawnMSakon Nakhon, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,057,674 (rank 16 of 76)
สมุทรปราการ saL mootH bpraaM gaanMSamut Prakan, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 926,110 (rank 20 of 76)
สมุทรสาครsaL mootL saaR khaawnMSamut Sakhon, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 390,699 (rank 61 of 76)
สมุทรสงคราม saL mootH sohngR khraamMSamut Songkhram, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 206,979 (rank 75 of 76)
สระบุรี saL raH booL reeMSaraburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 570,683 (rank 41 of 76)
สตูล saL dtuunMSatun, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 244,497 (rank 68 of 76)
ศรีสะเกษ seeR saL gaehtLSi Saket, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,396,035 (rank 9 of 76)
สิงห์บุรี singR booL reeMSingburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 222,740 (rank 71 of 76)
สงขลา sohngR khlaaRSongkhla, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,159,672 (rank 13 of 76)
สุโขทัย  sooL kho:hR thaiMSukhothai, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 613,317 (rank 37 of 76); the capital city was once a capital of early Thailand
สุพรรณบุรี sooL phanM booL reeMSuphanburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 840,512 (rank 24 of 76)
สุราษฎร์ธานี sooL raatF thaaM neeMSurat Thani, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 831,378 (rank 25 of 76)
สุรินทร์ sooL rinMSurin, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,345,220 (rank 10 of 76)
ตาก dtaakLTak, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 450,153 (rank 55 of 76)
ตรัง dtrangMTrang, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 560,887 (rank 42 of 76)
ตราด dtraatLTrat, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 208,627 (rank 73 of 76)
อุบลooL bohnMUbon [short form of Ubon Rajathanee]
อุบลราชธานี ooL bohnM raatF chaH thaaM neeMUbon Ratchathani, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,696,795 (rank 3 of 76)
อุดรธานี ooL daawnM thaaM neeMUdon Thani, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,456,154 (rank 8 of 76)
อุตรดิตถ์ ootL dtaL raH ditLUttaradit, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 476,997 (rank 51 of 76)
อุทัยธานี ooL thaiM thaaM neeMUthai Thani, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 324,730 (rank 65 of 76)
ยะลา yaH laaMYala, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 399,364 (rank 60 of 76)
ยโสธร yaH so:hR thaawnMYasothon, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 543,283 (rank 43 of 76)

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