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จังหวัดของประเทศไทย Provinces of Thailand |
parent categories | |||
Notes | 1995 population data from Institute of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University and Administrative and Civil Registration Division, Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior. | ||
category items | อำนาจเจริญ | amM naatF jaL reernM | Amnat Charoen, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 354,298 (rank 62 of 76) |
อ่างทอง | aangL thaawngM | Ang Thong, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 286,389 (rank 67 of 76) | |
อยุธยา | aL yootH thaH yaaM | Ayutthaya, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 706,502 (rank 33 of 76) | |
กรุงเทพฯ | groongM thaehpF | Bangkok, a province in central Thailand, having the largest provincial population, probably around 8 million (including metropolitan areas in surrounding provinces) | |
บึงกาฬ | beungM gaanM | Bueng Kan Province, a province in northeastern Thailand created in 2011 from several districts in หนองคาย | |
บุรีรัมย์ | booL reeM ramM | Buriram, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,458,288 (rank 7 of 76) | |
ฉะเชิงเทรา | chaL cheerngM saoM | Chachoengsao, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 609,241 (rank 38 of 76) | |
ชัยนาท | chaiM naatF | Chai Nat, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 350,318 (rank 63 of 76) | |
ชัยภูมิ | chaiM yaH phuumM | Chaiyaphum, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,093,063 (rank 15 of 76) | |
จันทบุรี | janM thaH booL reeM | Chanthaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 471,813 (rank 53 of 76) | |
เชียงใหม่ | chiiangM maiL | Chiang Mai, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,552,766 (rank 5 of 76) | |
เชียงราย | chiiangM raaiM | Chiang Rai, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,249,328 (rank 12 of 76) | |
ชลบุรี | chohnM booL reeM | Chonburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 982,975 (rank 18 of 76) | |
ชุมพร | choomM phaawnM | Chumphon, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 432,867 (rank 57 of 76) | |
กาฬสินธุ์ | gaaM laH sinR | Kalasin, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 960,357 (rank 19 of 76) | |
กำแพงเพชร | gamM phaaengM phaehtF | Kamphaeng Phet, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 742,383 (rank 30 of 76) | |
กาญจนบุรี | gaanM jaL naH booL reeM | Kanchanaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 744,933 (rank 29 of 76) | |
ขอนแก่น | khaawnR gaenL | Khon Kaen, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,652,030 (rank 4 of 76) | |
กระบี่ | graL beeL | Krabi, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 330,094 (rank 64 of 76) | |
ลำปาง | lamM bpaangM | Lampang, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 803,191 (rank 26 of 76) | |
ลำพูน | lamM phuunM | Lamphun, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 404,966 (rank 59 of 76) | |
เลย | leeuyM | Loei, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 621,544 (rank 35 of 76) | |
ลพบุรี | lohpH booL reeM | Lopburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 740,826 (rank 31 of 76); the capital city having been the capital of Thailand for a period in the 1600s. | |
แม่ฮ่องสอน | maaeF haawngF saawnR | Mae Hong Son, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 212,928 (rank 72 of 76) | |
มหาสารคาม | maH haaR saaR raH khaamM | Maha Sarakham, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 910,750 (rank 21 of 76) | |
มุกดาหาร | mookH daaM haanR | Mukdahan, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 317,642 (rank 66 of 76) | |
นครนายก | naH khaawnM naaM yohkH | Nakhon Nayok, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 237,145 (rank 69 of 76) | |
นครปฐม | naH khaawnM bpaL thohmR | Nakhon Pathom, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 730,076 (rank 32 of 76) | |
นครพนม | naH khaawnM phaH nohmM | Nakhon Phanom, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 690,035 (rank 34 of 76) | |
นครราชสีมา | naH khaawnM raatF chaH seeR maaM | Nakhon Ratchasima, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 2,467,831 (rank 2 of 76); also known as โคราช (Khorat) | |
นครสวรรค์ | naH khaawnM saL wanR | Nakhon Sawan, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,116,803 (rank 14 of 76) | |
นครศรีธรรมราช | naH khaawnM seeR thamM maH raatF | Nakhon Si Thammarat, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,488,947 (rank 6 of 76). The capital city, Nakhon Si Thammarat is a regional industrial center. | |
น่าน | naanF | Nan, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 473,115 (rank 52 of 76) | |
นราธิวาส | naH raaM thiH waatF | Narathiwat, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 619,311 (rank 36 of 76) | |
หนองบัวลำภู | naawngR buaaM lamM phuuM | Nong Bualamphu, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 477,129 (rank 50 of 76) | |
หนองคาย | naawngR khaaiM | Nong Khai, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 873,313 (rank 22 of 76) | |
นนทบุรี | nohnM thaH booL reeM | Nonthaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 754,627 (rank 28 of 76) | |
ปทุมธานี | bpaL thoomM thaaM neeM | Pathum Thani, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 524,251 (rank 44 of 76) | |
ปัตตานี | bpatL dtaaM neeM | Pattani, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 572,191 (rank 40 of 76) | |
พังงา | phangM ngaaM | Phang Nga, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 224,500 (rank 70 of 76) | |
พัทลุง | phatH thaH loongM | Phattalung, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 491,326 (rank 48 of 76) | |
พะเยา | phaH yaoM | Phayao, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 517,257 (rank 45 of 76) | |
เพชรบุรี | phaehtF booL reeM | Phetburi, Petchaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 447,094 (rank 56 of 76) | |
เพชรบูรณ์ | phetH chaH buunM | Phetchabun, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,026,137 (rank 17 of 76) | |
พิจิตร | phiH jitL | Phichit, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 592,125 (rank 39 of 76) | |
แพร่ | phraaeF | Phrae, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 493,505 (rank 47 of 76) | |
ภูเก็ต | phuuM getL | Phuket, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 207,777 (rank 74 of 76) | |
พิษณุโลก | phitH saL nooH lo:hkF | Pitsanulok, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 846,630 (rank 23 of 76) | |
ปราจีนบุรี | bpraaM jeenM booL reeM | Prachinburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 426,639 (rank 58 of 76) | |
ประจวบคีรีขันธ์ | bpraL juaapL kheeM reeM khanR | Prachuap Khiri Khan, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 461,016 (rank 54 of 76) | |
ระนอง | raH naawngM | Ranong, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 143,397 (rank 76 of 76) | |
ราชบุรี | raatF chaH booL reeM | Ratchaburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 798,076 (rank 27 of 76) | |
ระยอง | raH yaawngM | Rayong, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 477,895 (rank 49 of 76) | |
ร้อยเอ็ด | raawyH etL | Roi Et, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,291,750 (rank 11 of 76) | |
สระแก้ว | saL gaaeoF | Sa Kaew, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 507,743 (rank 46 of 76) | |
สกลนคร | saL gohnM naH khaawnM | Sakon Nakhon, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,057,674 (rank 16 of 76) | |
สมุทรปราการ | saL mootH bpraaM gaanM | Samut Prakan, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 926,110 (rank 20 of 76) | |
สมุทรสาคร | saL mootL saaR khaawnM | Samut Sakhon, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 390,699 (rank 61 of 76) | |
สมุทรสงคราม | saL mootH sohngR khraamM | Samut Songkhram, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 206,979 (rank 75 of 76) | |
สระบุรี | saL raH booL reeM | Saraburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 570,683 (rank 41 of 76) | |
สตูล | saL dtuunM | Satun, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 244,497 (rank 68 of 76) | |
ศรีสะเกษ | seeR saL gaehtL | Si Saket, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,396,035 (rank 9 of 76) | |
สิงห์บุรี | singR booL reeM | Singburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 222,740 (rank 71 of 76) | |
สงขลา | sohngR khlaaR | Songkhla, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,159,672 (rank 13 of 76) | |
สุโขทัย | sooL kho:hR thaiM | Sukhothai, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 613,317 (rank 37 of 76); the capital city was once a capital of early Thailand | |
สุพรรณบุรี | sooL phanM booL reeM | Suphanburi, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 840,512 (rank 24 of 76) | |
สุราษฎร์ธานี | sooL raatF thaaM neeM | Surat Thani, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 831,378 (rank 25 of 76) | |
สุรินทร์ | sooL rinM | Surin, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,345,220 (rank 10 of 76) | |
ตาก | dtaakL | Tak, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 450,153 (rank 55 of 76) | |
ตรัง | dtrangM | Trang, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 560,887 (rank 42 of 76) | |
ตราด | dtraatL | Trat, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 208,627 (rank 73 of 76) | |
อุบล | ooL bohnM | Ubon [short form of Ubon Rajathanee] | |
อุบลราชธานี | ooL bohnM raatF chaH thaaM neeM | Ubon Ratchathani, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,696,795 (rank 3 of 76) | |
อุดรธานี | ooL daawnM thaaM neeM | Udon Thani, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 1,456,154 (rank 8 of 76) | |
อุตรดิตถ์ | ootL dtaL raH ditL | Uttaradit, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 476,997 (rank 51 of 76) | |
อุทัยธานี | ooL thaiM thaaM neeM | Uthai Thani, a province in northern Thailand with a 1995 population of 324,730 (rank 65 of 76) | |
ยะลา | yaH laaM | Yala, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 399,364 (rank 60 of 76) | |
ยโสธร | yaH so:hR thaawnM | Yasothon, a province in northeastern Thailand with a 1995 population of 543,283 (rank 43 of 76) | |