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คำกริยาหมายกาลและคำกริยาช่วย Thai Aspect Markers and Auxiliaries |
parent categories | |||
category items | ขึ้น | kheunF | [semi-perfective aspect marker] |
ขึ้น | kheunF | [directional auxiliary indicating "upward", "increased", or "more"] | |
เข้า | khaoF | [imperfective aspect marker] | |
เข้า | khaoF | [directional auxiliary indicating "entry"] | |
เคย | kheeuyM | [aspect marker meaning "once" or "ever"] | |
จบ | johpL | [aspect marker meaning "stopped" or "ended"] | |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
ได้ | daiF | [aspect marker indicating present and present perfect—action which happened in the past and continues to the present] | |
ต่อ | dtaawL | [aspect marker denoting "continuation"] | |
ไป | bpaiM | [directional auxiliary meaning "away"] | |
ไป | bpaiM | [perfective aspect marker indicating "completed" or "irreversible"] | |
ไป | bpaiM | [aspect marker indicating time duration (continuity into the future)] for; since; forward | |
มา | maaM | [aspect marker indicating past or present perfect tense (continuity from the past)] | |
มา | maaM | [directional auxiliary inticating "approach" or "toward the object"] | |
เริ่ม | reermF | [aspect marker meaning "beginning"] | |
ลง | lohngM | [directional auxiliary indicating "downward" or "reduction"] | |
ไว้ | waiH | [aspect marker indicating a completed event which is considered beneficial] | |
เสร็จ | setL | [aspect marker meaning "finished" or "completed"] | |
เสีย | siiaR | [perfective aspect marker indicating "completed" or "destroyed"] | |
อยู่ | yuuL | [marker indicating the progressive or perfect aspect] | |
ออก | aawkL | [resultative grammatical marker; directional auxiliary meaning "away" or "out"] | |
เอา | aoM | [an aspect marker used to indicate a negative consequence affecting someone or something] to get back at someone for some action; take revenge | |
แล้ว | laaeoH | [adverbial word indicating past tense or aspect marker indicating present perfect (past continued to present)] in the past; completed; still; to make done | |
กำลัง | gamM langM | [auxiliary verb indicating the present participle, meaning "in the act of" or "in the process of", similar to the English suffix, "-ing"] | |
เพิ่ง | pheerngF | [auxiliary verb] just; recently | |