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ติง  dtingM 
contents of this page cross-examine
2.[prefix] admonish; criticize; reproach

Royal Institute - 1982
ติง  /ติง/
[กริยา] ทักไว้, ท้วงไว้.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiติง
Royal Thai General Systemting

1.   [verb]
to cross-examine

exampleท้วงติงthuaangH dtingMto protest against; object to; dissuade
2.   [prefix]

3.   [verb]
to admonish; criticize; reproach

synonymsคัดค้าน khatH khaanHto object to; oppose; protest
ติติงdtiL dtingMto reproach; censure; reprove; blame; reprimand; criticize; blame
ท้วงติงthuaangH dtingMto protest against; object to; dissuade
ทักท้วงthakH thuaangHto protest; protest; remonstrate with; advise against; object to; oppose; admonish
ทัดทานthatH thaanMto prohibit; advise against; oppose; object to; resist
aaM jaanM baangM thanF dtingM gaanM saL daaengM khaawngR nakH seukL saaR waaF maiF khaawyF mawL sohmR gapL watH thaH naH thamM thaiM
"Some professors criticize the student demonstrations as not being in accordance with Thai culture."

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