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จุ้น joonF |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | จุ้น |
IPA | tɕûn |
Royal Thai General System | chun |
[adjective, colloquial] | |||
definition | [is] nosy; meddlesome; (apt to) snoop | ||
related words | เกะกะ | gehL gaL | [is] meddlesome; seeking to annoy; obstructive and obtrusive; rough; pugnacious |
จีบปากจีบคอ | jeepL bpaakL jeepL khaawM | to speak cajolingly; enticingly; affectedly; sweet-talk | |
จุ้นจ้าน | joonF jaanF | [is] meddlesome; impudent; obstructive; saucy; blatant; undisguised | |
เจ๊าะแจ๊ะ | jawH jaeH | [colloquial slang] to be around (someone somewhere) and behaving obtrusively or obstructively or causing mild annoyance | |
ปั้นจิ้มปั้นเจ๋อ | bpanF jimF bpanF juuhrR | to suck up to; flirt with | |
เสนอหน้า | saL nuuhrR naaF | to poke ones nose into other affair; push oneself forward; promote oneself | |
เสือก | seuuakL | have audacity to; have the cheek to; butt in; be audacious; be cheeky; to be nosy | |
example | จุ้นจ้าน | joonF jaanF | [is] meddlesome; impudent; obstructive; saucy; blatant; undisguised |
sample sentence | |||