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จะรังเกียจไหมคะ ถ้าดิฉันจะรบกวนขอใช้โทรศัพท์? jaL rangM giiatL maiH khaH thaaF diL chanR jaL rohpH guaanM khaawR chaiH tho:hM raH sapL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | จะ-รัง-เกียด-มั้ย-คะ-ท่า-ดิ-ฉัน-จะ-รบ-กวน-ขอ-ไช้-โท-ระ-สับ |
IPA | tɕàʔ raŋ kìːat máj kʰáʔ tʰâː dìʔ tɕʰǎn tɕàʔ róp kuːan kʰɔ̌ː tɕʰáj tʰoː rá sàp |
Royal Thai General System | cha rangkiat mai kha tha dichan cha ropkuan kho chai thora sap |
[example sentence, formal] | |||
definition | [polite request made by female] "Would you mind if I use the phone?" | ||
categories | |||
components | จะรังเกียจไหมคะ ถ้า | jaL rangM giiatL maiH khaH thaaF | [polite request made by female] "Would you mind if I...?" |
ดิฉัน | diL chanR | [used by female speakers in a formal setting] I; me; my | |
จะ | jaL | [auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall | |
รบกวน | rohpH guaanM | to annoy; disturb; bother; trouble; irritate | |
ขอ | khaawR | to ask for; to request; "I'd like..." — "May/Can I have...?" | |
ใช้ | chaiH | to use, employ, exploit an object; utilize; resort to; implement | |
โทรศัพท์ | tho:hM raH sapL | telephone; telephone call; telephone switchboard | |