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เกลียดเข้าไส้ gliiatL khaoF saiF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เกฺลียด-เค่า-ไซ่ |
IPA | klìːat kʰâw sâj |
Royal Thai General System | kliat khao sai |
[verb, phrase, figurative, colloquial] | |||
definition | to hate someone's guts | ||
categories | |||
components | เกลียด | gliiatL | to hate |
เข้า | khaoF | to enter; go in; penetrate; insert; approach; begin | |
ไส้ | saiF | intestines, innards, entrails, bowels, interior parts; a center or cavity | |
related words | เกลียดชัง | gliiatL changM | to hate; to detest; to abhor; to despise; to dislike; to loathe |
ขยะแขยง | khaL yaL khaL yaaengR | to feel disgusted; to feel repugnant; to feel repulsive; to revolt at the sight of something | |
ชัง | changM | to hate; detest | |
ชิงชัง | chingM changM | to hate; to detest; to abhor; to despise; to dislike; to loathe | |
เดียด | diiatL | to dislike; to detest; to be irritated; to abhor; to be jealous | |
เดียดฉันท์ | diiatL chanR | to dislike; to detest; to abhor | |
รังเกียจเดียดฉันท์ | rangM giiatL diiatL chanR | to abhor; to detest; to hate; to abominate; to detest; to despise; to loathe; to shrink from; to shudder at | |