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ไม่ว่าจะร่ำรวยขนาดไหน มีเงินสักปานใด ไม่มีที่ไหนที่อยู่แล้วอบอุ่นเท่าประเทศไทย
maiF waaF jaL ramF ruayM khaL naatL naiR meeM ngernM sakL bpaanM daiM maiF meeM theeF naiR theeF yuuL laaeoH ohpL oonL thaoF bpraL thaehtF thaiM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiไม่-ว่า-จะ-ร่ำ-รวย-ขะ-หฺนาด-ไหฺน-มี-เงิน-สัก-ปาน-ได-ไม่-มี-ที่-ไหฺน-ที่-หฺยู่-แล้ว-อบ-อุ่น-เท่า-ปฺระ-เทด-ไท
IPAmâj wâː tɕàʔ râm ruaj kʰà nàːt nǎj miː ŋɤn sàk paːn daj mâj miː tʰîː nǎj tʰîː jùː lɛ́ːw ʔòp ʔùn tʰâw pràʔ tʰêːt tʰaj
Royal Thai General Systemmai wa cha ram ruai khanat nai mi ngoen sak pan dai mai mi thi nai thi yu laeo opun thao prathet thai

 [example sentence]
"Irrespective of how rich (he is) (and) no matter how much money (he has), there is nowhere that he has lived which is as warm and comforting as Thailand is."

componentsไม่ว่าmaiF waaFno matter; irrespective of; notwithstanding
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
ร่ำรวยramF ruayM[is] wealthy
ขนาด khaL naatLdimensions; size; measurement
ไหน naiR[used as a question] which; where; when
มี meeMto have or possess; to be available
เงิน ngernMmoney; finance; silver
สัก sakLjust; mere; even; just about; approximately
ปาน bpaanMas if; like; as; thus
ใด daiM[is] any
ไม่ maiFnot; no
มี meeMto have or possess; to be available
ที่ theeFat; on the site of; within; amidst; in the location of
ไหน naiR[used as a question] which; where; when
ที่ theeFat; on the site of; within; amidst; in the location of
อยู่ yuuLis (located at); to reside; to live (at); stay; exist at a particular point in time
แล้ว laaeoH[adverbial word indicating past tense or aspect marker indicating present perfect (past continued to present)] in the past; completed; still; to make done
อบอุ่น ohpL oonLgenial; friendly; warm (of a place or person)
เท่า thaoF[is] equal; equivalent; even; as much as
ประเทศ bpraL thaehtFnation; country
ไทย thaiMThai; of or pertaining to Thailand

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