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การวิจารณ์คือความพยายามจะหาความหมายที่ปรากฏในงานศิลป์ แล้วประเมินคุณค่าด้วยปทัสถานนานาชนิด
gaanM wiH jaanM kheuuM khwaamM phaH yaaM yaamM jaL haaR khwaamM maaiR theeF bpraaM gohtL naiM ngaanM sinR laaeoH bpraL meernM khoonM khaaF duayF bpaL thatH thaanR naaM naaM chaH nitH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiกาน-วิ-จาน-คือ-คฺวาม-พะ-ยา-ยาม-จะ-หา-คฺวาม-หฺมาย-ที่-ปฺรา-กด-ไน-งาน-สิน-แล้ว-ปฺระ-เมิน-คุน-ค่า-ด้วย-ปะ-ทัด-ถาน-นา-นา-ชะ-นิด
IPAkaːn wíʔ tɕaːn kʰɯː kʰwaːm pʰá jaː jaːm tɕàʔ hǎː kʰwaːm mǎːj tʰîː praː kòt naj ŋaːn sǐn lɛ́ːw pràʔ mɤːn kʰun kʰâː dûaj pà tʰát tʰǎːn naː naː tɕʰá nít
Royal Thai General Systemkan wichan khue khwam phayayam cha ha khwam mai thi prakot nai ngan sin laeo pramoen khun kha duai pathatthan nana chanit

 [example sentence]
"Art criticism is the attempt to find meaning that is conveyed by a work of art and to evaluate that work using a variety of standards."

componentsการ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
วิจารณ์ wiH jaanMto critique or criticize (review critically)
คือ kheuuM[copula] to be; (conjunction used for equivalence definitions)
ความ khwaamM[a prefix which converts an adjective or verb into a noun]
พยายาม phaH yaaM yaamMto attempt; try; persevere; endeavor; make an effort
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
หา haaRto find; look for; seek; to search
ความหมายkhwaamM maaiRmeaning; definition; meaningfulness
ที่ theeFat; on the site of; within; amidst; in the location of
ปรากฏ bpraaM gohtLto appear; to seem; to reveal
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
งาน ngaanMcarnival; fair; party; festival; celebration; funeral
ศิลป์ sinR[Sanskrit prefix or suffix meaning] artistic, [or pertaining to] art crafts
แล้ว laaeoH[adverbial word indicating past tense or aspect marker indicating present perfect (past continued to present)] in the past; completed; still; to make done
ประเมิน bpraL meernMto evaluate; appraise
คุณ khoonMmerit; goodness; virtue; prosperity
ค่า khaaFvalue; price; charge; cost; expense
ด้วย duayFtogether; along with; also; too; as well; likewise; in addition to doing some other thing (as another action performed by the same subject)
[an alternate spelling or pronunciation]
bpaL thatH thaanRnorm; standard; criterion; yardstick
นานา naaM naaMassorted; miscellaneous; of all forms; including all varieties
ชนิด chaH nitHclass; sort; type; variety; category; group; kind; species; in the style of...

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