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dtaamM ratH thaL thamM maH nuunM haiF amM naatF saanR bpohkL khraawngM phiH jaaM raH naaM khaawF phiH phaatF raH waangL nuayL ngaanM ratH gapL aehkL gaL chohnM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiตาม-รัด-ถะ-ทัม-มะ-นูน-ไฮ่-อำ-นาด-สาน-ปก-คฺรอง-พิ-จา-ระ-นา-ค่อ-พิ-พาด-ระ-หฺว่าง-หฺน่วย-งาน-รัด-กับ-เอก-กะ-ชน
IPAtaːm rát tʰà tʰam má nuːn hâj ʔam nâːt sǎːn pòk kʰrɔːŋ pʰíʔ tɕaː rá naː kʰɔ̂ː pʰíʔ pʰâːt ráʔ wàːŋ nùaj ŋaːn rát kàp ʔèːk kà tɕʰon
Royal Thai General Systemtam rattha thammanun hai amnat san pokkhrong phicharana kho phiphat rawang nuai ngan rat kap ekka chon

 [example sentence]
"The constitution gives the Administrative Court the power to mediate disputes between the State and the Private Sector."

componentsตาม dtaamMto follow; along; around
รัฐธรรมนูญratH thaL thamM maH nuunMconstitution (of government, business, organization)
ให้ haiFto give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something
อำนาจ amM naatFauthority; power
ศาลปกครองsaanR bpohkL khraawngMAdministrative Court
พิจารณา phiH jaaM raH naaMto consider; to appraise; to study; to examine; to investigate; to reckon
ข้อพิพาทkhaawF phiH phaatFdispute; argument; controversy
ระหว่าง raH waangLbetween; in the middle of; the middle; among
หน่วยงานnuayL ngaanMinstitution; authority; institute; organization; work group
รัฐ ratHa state or regional division within a country; government
กับ gapLwith; to; for
เอกชนaehkL gaL chohnMprivate, individual, of a person, as oppose to public or governmental

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