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thaaF reuuangF bpuunM theeF dtohnM aehngM chiaaoF chaanM thamM daiF maiF deeM khohngM jaL siiaR rangM watH aoM maakF meuuanR ganM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiท่า-เรื่อง-ปูน-ที่-ตน-เอง-เชี่ยว-ชาน-ทำ-ได้-ไม่-ดี-คง-จะ-เสีย-รัง-วัด-เอา-มาก-เหฺมือน-กัน
IPAtʰâː rɯ̂ːaŋ puːn tʰîː ton ʔeːŋ tɕʰîːaw tɕʰaːn tʰam dâj mâj diː kʰoŋ tɕàʔ sǐːa raŋ wát ʔaw mâːk mɯ̌ːan kan
Royal Thai General Systemtha rueang pun thi ton eng chiao chan tham dai mai di khong cha sia rangwat ao mak muean kan

 [example sentence]
"If I, an expert in cement work, could not do a good job [of construction], I would lose my credibility."

componentsถ้า thaaF[indicating a condition] if
เรื่อง reuuangFabout; relating to; concerning; [as part of the header in an official letter along with เรียน ] "Subject:"
ปูน bpuunMlime; mortar; calcium oxide; quicklime; CaO
ที่ theeF[the relative pronouns] that; which; which is...
ตนเองdtohnM aehngMhimself; oneself; ourselves; themselves
เชี่ยวชาญchiaaoF chaanM[is] expert; skilled; experienced; proficient
ทำ thamMto do or perform an action; cause or effect a result; work
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
ไม่ดีmaiF deeM[is] bad; not good
คง khohngMprobably; most likely
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
เสียรังวัดsiiaR rangM watHto share the blame; be disgraced; lose face
เอา aoMto take; get; bring
มาก maakFmuch; many; very; more; so much; a great deal; seriously
เหมือนกันmeuuanR ganMalso; as well; too; too, as did (or as does) someone else, likewise (in comparison with someone else doing more or less the same thing); anyway, even at that

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