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การใช้สื่อของรัฐโฆษณาชวนเชื่อ และโกหกหลอกลวงประชาชน gaanM chaiH seuuL khaawngR ratH kho:htF saL naaM chuaanM cheuuaF laeH go:hM hohkL laawkL luaangM bpraL chaaM chohnM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กาน-ไช้-สื่อ-ของ-รัด-โคด-สะ-นา-ชวน-เชื่อ-และ-โก-หก-หฺลอก-ลวง-ปฺระ-ชา-ชน |
IPA | kaːn tɕʰáj sɯ̀ː kʰɔ̌ːŋ rát kʰôːt sà naː tɕʰuːan tɕʰɯ̂ːa lɛ́ʔ koː hòk lɔ̀ːk luːaŋ pràʔ tɕʰaː tɕʰon |
Royal Thai General System | kan chai sue khong rat khotsana chuan chuea lae kohok lok luang prachachon |
[noun, phrase] | |||
definition | "using the State media for propaganda and relating falsehoods to the public" | ||
components | การ | gaanM | [placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes] |
ใช้ | chaiH | to use, employ, exploit an object; utilize; resort to; implement | |
สื่อ | seuuL | [mass comm.] media; [spiritual] medium; [matchmaking and general use] go between, liaison, procuror, messenger, intermediary | |
ของ | khaawngR | of; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"] | |
รัฐ | ratH | a state or regional division within a country; government | |
โฆษณา | kho:htF saL naaM | to advertise; to campaign | |
ชวนเชื่อ | chuaanM cheuuaF | to propogandize | |
และ | laeH | and | |
โกหก | go:hM hohkL | to lie; to deceive; to bluff; to fib | |
หลอกลวง | laawkL luaangM | to deceive; trick; fool | |
ประชาชน | bpraL chaaM chohnM | citizens, the public; people | |