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gaanM haiF khwaamM chuayF leuuaR gaaeL khohnM naiM suunR phakH phingM yaawmF thamM daiF ngaaiF gwaaL khohnM theeF dtitL yuuL dtaamM baanF naaeF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiกาน-ไฮ่-คฺวาม-ช่วย-เหฺลือ-แก่-คน-ไน-สูน-พัก-พิง-ย่อม-ทำ-ได้-ง่าย-กฺว่า-คน-ที่-ติด-หฺยู่-ตาม-บ้าน-แน่
IPAkaːn hâj kʰwaːm tɕʰûaj lɯ̌ːa kɛ̀ː kʰon naj sǔːn pʰák pʰiŋ jɔ̂ːm tʰam dâj ŋâːj kwàː kʰon tʰîː tìt jùː taːm bâːn nɛ̂ː
Royal Thai General Systemkan hai khwam chuai luea kae khon nai sunphakphing yom tham dai ngai kwa khon thi tit yu tam ban nae

 [example sentence]
"Giving assistance to people living in shelters is certainly easier than [giving to] people trapped in their homes."

componentsการ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
ให้ความช่วยเหลือhaiF khwaamM chuayF leuuaRto provide assistance; render assistance; help
แก่ gaaeL[indicating the object of an action] for; to
คน khohnMperson; guy; people; man; human being
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
ศูนย์พักพิงsuunR phakH phingMshelter [from disasters, floods, etc.]
ย่อม yaawmFcan; naturally; as a matter of course; inevitably
ทำ thamMto do or perform an action; cause or effect a result; work
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
ง่าย ngaaiF[is] easy; not difficult; simple
กว่า gwaaL[suffix used for comparisons] than; more; -er
คน khohnMperson; guy; people; man; human being
ที่ theeF[the relative pronoun] who [or subordiate conjunction] whom
ติด dtitL[preposition usage] attached to; on
อยู่ yuuLis (located at); to reside; to live (at); stay; exist at a particular point in time
ตาม dtaamMto follow; along; around
บ้าน baanFhouse; home; place (or one's place); village
แน่ naaeFfor sure; certainly; truthfully

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