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maiF dtawngF rakH chanR maakF dtaaeL khaawR haiF rakH saL mamL saL muuhrR dtaL laawtL bpaiM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiไม่-ต็้อง-รัก-ฉัน-มาก-แต่-ขอ-ไฮ่-รัก-สะ-หฺม่ำ-สะ-เหฺมอ-ตะ-หฺลอด-ไป
IPAmâj tɔ̂ŋ rák tɕʰǎn mâːk tɛ̀ː kʰɔ̌ː hâj rák sà màm sà mɤ̌ː tà lɔ̀ːt paj
Royal Thai General Systemmai tong rak chan mak tae kho hai rak samamsamoe talot pai

 [example sentence]
"You don’t have to love me very much, but I do ask that you love me always and forever."

componentsไม่ต้อง maiF dtawngF[auxiliary verb combination] doesn't have to...; don't have to...; need not
รัก rakHto love; <subject> loves
ฉัน chanR[used by females in an informal setting—also used by males with intimate friends or lovers] I, me, my
มาก maakFmuch; many; very; more; so much; a great deal; seriously
แต่ dtaaeLbut; even; however; rather
ขอให้khaawR haiF"Please bring..." — "Please give..." — "Please..."; to request someone to do something
รัก rakHto love; <subject> loves
สม่ำเสมอ saL mamL saL muuhrRregular; constant; consistent; uniform
ตลอดไปdtaL laawtL bpaiMforever; ever; perpetually; from now on

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