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คนลักษณะนี้อาจจะทำงานได้ อาจจะประสบความสำเร็จช่วงหนึ่ง
khohnM lakH saL naL neeH aatL jaL thamM ngaanM daiF aatL jaL bpraL sohpL khwaamM samR retL chuaangF neungL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiคน-ลัก-สะ-หฺนะ-นี้-อาด-จะ-ทำ-งาน-ได้-อาด-จะ-ปฺระ-สบ-คฺวาม-สำ-เหฺร็ด-ช่วง-หฺนึ่ง
IPAkʰon lák sàʔ nàʔ níː ʔàːt tɕàʔ tʰam ŋaːn dâj ʔàːt tɕàʔ pràʔ sòp kʰwaːm sǎm rèt tɕʰûːaŋ nɯ̀ŋ
Royal Thai General Systemkhon laksana ni at cha tham ngan dai at cha prasop khwam samret chuang nueng

 [example sentence]
"This sort of person might be able to function; [he] might be able to succeed for a period of time."

componentsคน khohnMperson; guy; people; man; human being
ลักษณะ lakH saL naLcharacteristic; form; attribute; quality; pattern; style; appearance
นี้ neeHthis; these
อาจจะaatL jaL[auxiliary verb combination] may (possibility); might; maybe; perhaps will; probably; possibly
ทำงานthamM ngaanMto work
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
อาจจะaatL jaL[auxiliary verb combination] may (possibility); might; maybe; perhaps will; probably; possibly
ประสบความสำเร็จbpraL sohpL khwaamM samR retLto become successful; to succeed
ช่วง chuaangFperiod of time
หนึ่ง neungLone; the number or quantity one

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