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พวกเขาจะให้ถุงยังชีพกับเด็ก phuaakF khaoR jaL haiF thoongR yangM cheepF gapL dekL |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | พวก-เขา-จะ-ไฮ่-ถุง-ยัง-ชีบ-กับ-เด็ก |
IPA | pʰûːak kʰǎw tɕàʔ hâj tʰǔŋ jaŋ tɕʰîːp kàp dèk |
Royal Thai General System | phuak khao cha hai thung yang chip kap dek |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "They will pass out aid packages to the children." | ||
components | พวกเขา | phuaakF khaoR | [third person plural pronoun] they; them; their |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
ให้ | haiF | to give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something | |
ถุงยังชีพ | thoongR yangM cheepF | bag of disaster supplies; aid package; relief supplies | |
กับ | gapL | with; to; for | |
เด็ก | dekL | child | |