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เมย meeuyM |
contents of this page | |
1. | [euphonious suffix] |
2. | [Thai male nickname] Muey |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เมย |
IPA | mɤːj |
Royal Thai General System | moei |
1.  | |||
definition | [euphonious suffix] | ||
example | เฉยเมย | cheeuyR meeuyM | [is] indifferent; unconcerned; passive; negligent |
2.  [proper noun] | |||
definition | [Thai male nickname] Muey | ||
sample sentence | ครอบครัวน้องเมยยังเชื่อลูกโดนทำร้ายจนเสียชีวิต เตรียมเผาพรุ่งนี้ khraawpF khruaaM naawngH meeuyM yangM cheuuaF luukF do:hnM thamM raaiH johnM siiaR cheeM witH dtriiamM phaoR phroongF neeH "Nong Muey’s family continue to believe that their son was disciplined so violently that he died; [his body] will be cremated tomorrow." | ||