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khaoR thuukL dtaamM laaF jaakL phuaakF jo:hnM baaF khlangF graL haaiR leuuatF johnM thaaepF aoM cheeM witH maiF raawtF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเขา-ถูก-ตาม-ล่า-จาก-พวก-โจน-บ้า-คฺลั่ง-กฺระ-หาย-เลือด-จน-แทบ-เอา-ชี-วิด-ไม่-รอด
IPAkʰǎw tʰùːk taːm lâː tɕàːk pʰûːak tɕoːn bâː kʰlâŋ kràʔ hǎːj lɯ̂ːat tɕon tʰɛ̂ːp ʔaw tɕʰiː wít mâj rɔ̂ːt
Royal Thai General Systemkhao thuk tam la chak phuak chon ba khlang kra hai lueat chon thaep ao chiwit mai rot

 [example sentence]
"He was chased by the crazed, blood-thirsty bandits until he thought he could no longer escape."

componentsเขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
ถูก thuukL[a verb particle reflecting passive voice]
ตาม dtaamMto follow; along; around
ล่า laaFto hunt; pursue; chase
จาก jaakLfrom
พวก phuaakF[of people, animals] a group, a party
โจร jo:hnMbandit; robber; thief; guerrilla
บ้าคลั่งbaaF khlangF[is] insane; mad; crazy; demented; deranged
กระหายเลือดgraL haaiR leuuatF[is] bloodthirsty; sanguinary
จน johnMuntil; up until; as far as; up to; to; till
แทบ thaaepFnearly; almost
เอา aoMto desire; to want; to specify or order
ชีวิต cheeM witHlife
ไม่ maiFnot; no
รอด raawtFto survive; escape

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