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ประสบการณ์แบบนี้มีเงินเท่าไรก็ซื้อไม่ได้ แต่คิดก็รู้ว่าเราโชคดีแล้ว ฮื่ม...
bpraL sohpL gaanM baaepL neeH meeM ngernM thaoF raiM gaawF seuuH maiF daiF dtaaeL khitH gaawF ruuH waaF raoM cho:hkF deeM laaeoH heuumF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiปฺระ-สบ-กาน-แบบ-นี้-มี-เงิน-เท่า-ไร-ก้อ-ซื้อ-ไม่-ได้-แต่-คิด-ก้อ-รู้-ว่า-เรา-โชก-ดี-แล้ว-ฮื่ม
IPApràʔ sòp kaːn bɛ̀ːp níː miː ŋɤn tʰâw raj kɔ̂ː sɯ́ː mâj dâj tɛ̀ː kʰít kɔ̂ː rúː wâː raw tɕʰôːk diː lɛ́ːw hɯ̂ːm
Royal Thai General Systemprasopkan baep ni mi ngoen thao rai ko sue mai dai tae khit ko ru wa rao chok di laeo huem

 [example sentence]
"This kind of experience is not for sale but, thinking about it, we were really lucky. Hmmm."

componentsประสบการณ์ bpraL sohpL gaanMexperience
แบบนี้baaepL neeHthis type; like this (one's style)
มีเงินmeeM ngernMto have money
เท่าไรthaoF much?... how many?; long?; to that extent
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
ซื้อ seuuHto buy or purchase
ไม่ได้maiF daiF[is] unable to, cannot
แต่ dtaaeLbut; even; however; rather
คิด khitHto think, consider, imagine, expect, compute, to count, wonder
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
รู้ว่าruuH waaFknew that...; know that...; knowing what
เรา raoMwe; us; our
โชคดีcho:hkF deeM[is] fortunate; lucky
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
ฮื่มheuumF[Thai transcription of foreign loan word] hmmm

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