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หากเขาเผลอไผลทำงานไม่รอบคอบอย่างนี้อีก เห็นจะถูกลงโทษ
haakL khaoR phluuhrR phlaiR thamM ngaanM maiF raawpF khaawpF yaangL neeH eekL henR jaL thuukL lohngM tho:htF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiหาก-เขา-เผฺลอ-ไผฺล-ทำ-งาน-ไม่-รอบ-คอบ-หฺย่าง-นี้-อีก-เห็น-จะ-ถูก-ลง-โทด
IPAhàːk kʰǎw pʰlɤ̌ː pʰlǎj tʰam ŋaːn mâj rɔ̂ːp kʰɔ̂ːp jàːŋ níː ʔìːk hěn tɕàʔ tʰùːk loŋ tʰôːt
Royal Thai General Systemhak khao phloephlai tham ngan mai ropkhop yang ni ik hencha thuk long thot

 [example sentence]
"If he continues to perform his duties unconsciously and automatically, I think he needs to be punished."

componentsหาก haakLallowing that; if; despite; rather
เขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
เผลอไผลphluuhrR phlaiRto do something without thinking, unconsciously; hastily; mindlessly
ทำงานthamM ngaanMto work
ไม่ maiFnot; no
รอบคอบ raawpF khaawpF[is] thorough; careful; complete; exhaustive; prudent
อย่างนี้yaangL neeHlike this
อีก eekLany more
เห็นจะhenR jaLpossibly; probably
ถูก thuukL[a verb particle reflecting passive voice]
ลงโทษlohngM tho:htFto punish; assign a penalty

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