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ถ้าผมสติปัญญาเรียนชั้นสูง ๆ ขึ้นไป ก็ให้มีโอกาสเรียนได้ ไม่ว่าพ่อแม่ผมจะรวย หรือจน จะอยู่ในเมืองหรือชนบทแร้นแค้น
thaaF phohmR saL dtiL bpanM yaaM riianM chanH suungR kheunF bpaiM gaawF haiF meeM o:hM gaatL riianM daiF maiF waaF phaawF maaeF phohmR jaL ruayM reuuR johnM jaL yuuL naiM meuuangM reuuR chohnM naH bohtL raaenH khaaenH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiท่า-ผม-สะ-ติ-ปัน-ยา-เรียน-ชั้น-สูง-คึ่น-ไป-ก้อ-ไฮ่-มี-โอ-กาด-เรียน-ได้-ไม่-ว่า-พ่อ-แม่-ผม-จะ-รวย-หฺรือ-จน-จะ-หฺยู่-ไน-เมือง-หฺรือ-ชน-นะ-บด-แร้น-แค้น
IPAtʰâː pʰǒm sà tìʔ pan jaː riːan tɕʰán sǔːŋ kʰɯ̂n paj kɔ̂ː hâj miː ʔoː kàːt riːan dâj mâj wâː pʰɔ̂ː mɛ̂ː pʰǒm tɕàʔ ruaj rɯ̌ː tɕon tɕàʔ jùː naj mɯːaŋ rɯ̌ː tɕʰon ná bòt rɛ́ːn kʰɛ́ːn
Royal Thai General Systemtha phom satipanya rian chan sung khuen pai ko hai mi okat rian dai mai wa pho mae phom cha ruai rue chon cha yu nai mueang rue chonnabot raenkhaen

 [example sentence]
"If I have the mental capability to further my studies, [I wanted] the opportunity to do so, irrespective of whether my parents are rich or poor or whether they live in the city or in the hardscrabble countryside."

componentsถ้า thaaF[indicating a condition] if
ผม phohmR[used by male speakers] I; me; my
สติปัญญา saL dtiL bpanM yaaMintelligence; aptitude
เรียน riianMto study at the elementary school level; study at any academic level
ชั้น chanHclass; rank; grade
สูง suungR[is] tall; high; advanced
ขึ้นไปkheunF bpaiM[of stairs, etc.] to go up; [of a path, etc.] to ascend; [of age] above; [of money] and higher
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
ให้ haiF[usage in a benefactive construction]
มีโอกาสmeeM o:hM gaatLto have a chance or opportunity
เรียน riianMto study at the elementary school level; study at any academic level
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
ไม่ว่าmaiF waaFno matter; irrespective of; notwithstanding
พ่อแม่phaawF maaeFparent; parents
ผม phohmR[used by male speakers] I; me; my
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
รวย ruayM(of a person) [is] rich; wealthy
หรือ reuuRor
จน johnM[most commonly used term] [is] poor; penniless; having nothing; impoverished
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
อยู่ yuuLis (located at); to reside; to live (at); stay; exist at a particular point in time
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
เมือง meuuangMcity; nation; country; land; town
หรือ reuuRor
ชนบท chohnM naH bohtLcountry; countryside; rural area
แร้นแค้น raaenH khaaenH[is] poverty-stricken; indigent; poor; penniless

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