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theungR maaeH jaL johpL laeH thamM ngaanM laaeoH phohmR gaawF yangM bpaiM bpuaanF bpiianF theeF laengL gitL jaL gamM naiM maH haaR witH thaH yaaM laiM saL muuhrR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiถึง-แม้-จะ-จบ-และ-ทำ-งาน-แล้ว-ผม-ก้อ-ยัง-ไป-ป้วน-เปี้ยน-ที่-แหฺล่ง-กิด-จะ-กัม-ไน-มะ-หา-วิด-ทะ-ยา-ลัย-สะ-เหฺมอ
IPAtʰɯ̌ŋ mɛ́ː tɕàʔ tɕòp lɛ́ʔ tʰam ŋaːn lɛ́ːw pʰǒm kɔ̂ː jaŋ paj pûːan pîːan tʰîː lɛ̀ŋ kìt tɕà kam naj má hǎː wít tʰá jaː laj sà mɤ̌ː
Royal Thai General Systemthueng mae cha chop lae tham ngan laeo phom ko yang pai puanpian thi laeng kitcha kam nai maha witthayalai samoe

 [example sentence]
"Even though I have graduated and am already working, I still hang around places where there are activities at the university."

componentsถึงแม้theungR maaeHeven though; though
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
จบ johpLto end; to finish
และ laeHand
ทำงานthamM ngaanMto work
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
ผม phohmR[used by male speakers] I; me; my
ก็ gaawFeven; still
ยัง yangMyet; since; not yet; still
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
ป้วนเปี้ยน bpuaanF bpiianFto loiter; hang around; hover
ที่ theeFat; on the site of; within; amidst; in the location of
แหล่ง laengLplace; venue; spot; position; area; location
กิจกรรมgitL jaL gamMactivity
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
มหาวิทยาลัยmaH haaR witH thaH yaaM laiMuniversity
เสมอ saL muuhrRalways, often, frequently, continually

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