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jeungM bpenM theeF bpraL jakL waaF phraH ohngM bpenM phraH maH haaR gaL satL theeF yingF yaiL khaawngR bpuaangM chohnM chaaoM thaiM laeH jaL saL thitL yuuL naiM duaangM jaiM khaawngR bpuaangM chohnM chaaoM thaiM dtaL laawtL bpaiM dtraapL chuaaF niH ranM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiจึง-เป็น-ที่-ปฺระ-จัก-ว่า-พฺระ-อง-เป็น-พฺระ-มะ-หา-กะ-สัด-ที่-ยิ่ง-ไหฺย่-ของ-ปวง-ชน-ชาว-ไท-และ-จะ-สะ-ถิด-หฺยู่-ไน-ดวง-ไจ-ของ-ปวง-ชน-ชาว-ไท-ตะ-หฺลอด-ไป-ตฺราบ-ชั่ว-นิ-รัน
IPAtɕɯŋ pen tʰîː pràʔ tɕàk wâː pʰráʔ ʔoŋ pen pʰráʔ má hǎː kàʔ sàt tʰîː jîŋ jàj kʰɔ̌ːŋ puːaŋ tɕʰon tɕʰaːw tʰaj lɛ́ʔ tɕàʔ sà tʰìt jùː naj duːaŋ tɕaj kʰɔ̌ːŋ puːaŋ tɕʰon tɕʰaːw tʰaj tà lɔ̀ːt paj tràːp tɕʰûːa níʔ ran
Royal Thai General Systemchueng pen thi prachak wa phraong pen phra maha kasat thi ying yai khong puang chon chao thai lae cha sathit yu nai duangchai khong puang chon chao thai talot pai trap chua niran

 [example sentence]
"So, it is obvious that He was a great King for the Thai people and that He will remain in the hearts of the Thai people forever."

componentsจึง jeungMthus; therefore; so
เป็นที่ประจักษ์bpenM theeF bpraL jakLto become evident; become obvious
ว่า waaF[proposition complementizer] that...; as... [see examples]
พระองค์phraH ohngMHis Magesty; the 3rd Person Pronoun for the Lord Buddha, the King, royalty, divine being, chief deity, the Lord Jesus Christ (พระเยซู), Mother Mary (พระแม่มารี) and other world's religious leaders/founders
เป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
พระมหากษัตริย์ phraH maH haaR gaL satLGreat King; Monarch
ที่ theeF[the relative pronoun] who [or subordiate conjunction] whom
ยิ่งใหญ่yingF yaiL[is] great
ของ khaawngRof; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"]
ปวงชนbpuaangM chohnMthe people; the public; ordinary people
ชาวไทยchaaoM thaiMThai folk; Thai people
และ laeHand
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
สถิต saL thitLto remain (living) at a place; to linger or stay
อยู่ yuuLis (located at); to reside; to live (at); stay; exist at a particular point in time
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
ดวงใจduaangM jaiMDuangjai [a Thai given name]
ของ khaawngRof; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"]
ปวงชนbpuaangM chohnMthe people; the public; ordinary people
ชาวไทยchaaoM thaiMThai folk; Thai people
ตลอดไปdtaL laawtL bpaiMforever; ever; perpetually; from now on
ตราบdtraapLuntil...; as far as...; up until...; as long as..
ชั่วนิรันดร์chuaaF niH ranMforever; till doomsday; eternally

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