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แบบผักชีโรยหน้า baaepL phakL cheeM rooyM naaF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | แบบ-ผัก-ชี-โรย-น่า |
IPA | bɛ̀ːp pʰàk tɕʰiː roːj nâː |
Royal Thai General System | baep phak chi roi na |
[verb, phrase] | |||
definition | to do that part of the work that is being seen or inspected, but do the rest of work badly or even left undone | ||
components | แบบ | baaepL | like; as; similar to; in the pattern of; in a... way/fashion; type |
ผักชีโรยหน้า | phakL cheeM rooyM naaF | [metaphor] window dressing; gilding; improvements only on the surface | |
sample sentence | ลูกน้องเขาชอบทำงานแบบผักชีโรยหน้า นายเลยไปตรวจงานไม่ให้รู้ตัว luukF naawngH khaoR chaawpF thamM ngaanM baaepL phakL cheeM rooyM naaF naaiM leeuyM bpaiM dtruaatL ngaanM maiF haiF ruuH dtuaaM "His subordinates are prone to doing their work in a perfunctory manner; the boss thus performs surprise inspections." | ||