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For an explanation see: http://www.thaipoet.net/index.php?lay=boardshow&ac=webboard_show&No=294546 |
น้ำเคี้ยวยูงว่าเงี้ยว ยูงตาม![]() naamH khiaaoH yuungM waaF ngiaaoH yuungM dtaamM | 1. The peacock espies a meandering river and thinks it a snake; the peacock pursues it." "2. A peacock mistook a meandering river for a snake, then, with a hope of eating the snake, it plunged into the river and drowned. |
ทรายเหลือบหางยูงงาม ว่าหญ้า![]() saaiM leuuapL haangR yuungM ngaamM waaF yaaF | 1. The hog deer sees the peacock's tale; he believes it to be a tuft of grass." "2. A hog deer mistook the tail feathers of the peacock for a clump of grass, with a hope of eating the grass, it jumped into the river and drowned. |
ตาทรายยิ่งปลานิลวาม พรายเพริศ![]() dtaaM saaiM yingF bplaaM ninM waamM phraaiM phreertF | 1. The deer beholds a glittery fish; he beholds its beauty. |
ลิงว่าหว้าหวังหว้า หว่าดิ้นโดดตาม![]() lingM waaF waaF wangR waaF waaL dinF do:htL dtaamM | 1. The monkey believes the eye of the deer is a succulent plum; it pursues the deer into the river; and struggles to stay afloat." "2. A monkey mistook the deer for black plums, with a hope of eating the plum, it jumped into the river and drowned. |