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เขาไม่อาจแข็งใจหลับต่อได้อีก ทั้ง ๆ ที่อิดโรยอย่างเต็มที่
khaoR maiF aatL khaengR jaiM lapL dtaawL daiF eekL thangH thangH theeF itL rooyM yaangL dtemM theeF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเขา-ไม่-อาด-แข็ง-ไจ-หฺลับ-ต่อ-ได้-อีก-ทั้ง-ทั้ง-ที่-อิด-โรย-หฺย่าง-เต็ม-ที่
IPAkʰǎw mâj ʔàːt kʰɛ̌ŋ tɕaj làp tɔ̀ː dâj ʔìːk tʰáŋ tʰáŋ tʰîː ʔìt roːj jàːŋ tem tʰîː
Royal Thai General Systemkhao mai at khaeng chai lap to dai ik thang thang thi it roi yang tem thi

 [example sentence, formal]
"He could not force himself to continue sleeping, even though he was completely exhausted."

componentsเขา khaoR[3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them
ไม่อาจmaiF aatL[formal] unable; cannot; could not; may not; might not
แข็ง khaengR[is] hard; solid; stiff; rigid; strong; firm; [of a swimmer] strong
ใจ jaiMheart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind
หลับ lapLto shut; sleep; to be asleep; go to bed
ต่อ dtaawL[aspect marker denoting "continuation"]
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
อีก eekLanother; additional; more
ทั้ง ที่thangH thangH theeFdespite; in spite of; while; though; although; even though
อิดโรยitL rooyMexhausted; weary; fatigued; tired; drained; worn out
อย่างเต็มที่yaangL dtemM theeFextremely; exceedingly; substantially; considerably; completely

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