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mawL ganM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเหฺมาะ-กัน
IPAmɔ̀ʔ kan
Royal Thai General Systemmo kan

suitable, well-matched

componentsเหมาะ mawL[is] appropriate; suitable; correct
กัน ganMeach other; one another; collectively; commonly; together
synonymsคู่ควรkhuuF khuaanM[is] fit; suitable; proper; appropriate
เคียงบ่าเคียงไหล่khiiangM baaL khiiangM laiLequal; same; identical
เท่ากันthaoF ganMsame; equal; equivalent
เท่าเทียมกันthaoF thiiamM ganMequally; evenly; on a par with
เทียบเท่าthiiapF thaoF[is] equal to; equivalent to; [is] the same as
เทียมเท่าthiiamM thaoFto equal; keep up with; keep pace (with); make equal with others; place on the same level; parable; [is] equivalent to
พอกันphaawM ganMequally
พอดีphaawM deeMjust enough; good enough; just right; just sufficient; just then, at that very moment
พอเหมาะphaawM mawLsuitably; appropriately
ลงตัวlohngM dtuaaM[mathematics] divisibly; without a remainder
สมกันsohmR ganM[is] well matched (with); cooperative (with); united (with); fitting; suitable; proper; appropriate
สู้ suuF[is] better than
เสมอ saL muuhrR[is] even; level; flush
เสมอกันsaL muuhrR ganM[is] even; tied
เหมาะสมmawL sohmR[is] proper; appropriate; suitable; becoming
noomL saaoR khuuF neeH mawL ganM raaoM gapL gingL thaawngM baiM yohkL
"This young man and woman are highly compatible with each other.” “These two are just perfect for each other."

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