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ในแนวทางของผู้เชี่ยวชาญ ดูเหมือนจะเพ่งเล็งไปอยู่ที่การเพิ่มพื้นที่การเพาะปลูกของโลกให้มากขึ้น
naiM naaeoM thaangM khaawngR phuuF chiaaoF chaanM duuM meuuanR jaL phengF lengM bpaiM yuuL theeF gaanM pheermF pheuunH theeF gaanM phawH bpluukL khaawngR lo:hkF haiF maakF kheunF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiไน-แนว-ทาง-ของ-พู่-เชี่ยว-ชาน-ดู-เหฺมือน-จะ-เพ่ง-เล็ง-ไป-หฺยู่-ที่-กาน-เพิ่ม-พื้น-ที่-กาน-เพาะ-ปฺลูก-ของ-โลก-ไฮ่-มาก-คึ่น
IPAnaj nɛːw tʰaːŋ kʰɔ̌ːŋ pʰûː tɕʰîːaw tɕʰaːn duː mɯ̌ːan tɕàʔ pʰêŋ leŋ paj jùː tʰîː kaːn pʰɤ̂ːm pʰɯ́ːn tʰîː kaːn pʰɔ́ʔ plùːk kʰɔ̌ːŋ lôːk hâj mâːk kʰɯ̂n
Royal Thai General Systemnai naeo thang khong phu chiao chan du muean cha pheng leng pai yu thi kan phoem phuen thi kan pho pluk khong lok hai mak khuen

 [example sentence]
"Looking at expert models, it appears that they are keeping an eye on increasing the amount of land world-wide devoted to farming."

componentsใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
แนวทางnaaeoM thaangMway; path; course; method; trail; mean; channel; guidelines; model
ของ khaawngRof; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"]
ผู้เชี่ยวชาญphuuF chiaaoF chaanMknowledgeable person; expert
ดูเหมือนduuM meuuanRappears; looks like; seems like; to look like [implying: but in reality, is not; see ดูเหมือนจะสนุกดี แต่จริง ๆ แล้วไม่สนุก]
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
เพ่งเล็งphengF lengMto watch; to suspect; keep an eye on; concentrate on
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
อยู่ yuuLis (located at); to reside; to live (at); stay; exist at a particular point in time
ที่ theeFat; on the site of; within; amidst; in the location of
การ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
เพิ่ม pheermFto increase; add; grow; advance; boost; develop; enlarge; enhance; escalate; expand; extend; multiply; raise; spread; swell; more
พื้นที่pheuunH theeFarea
การเพาะปลูกgaanM phawH bpluukLcultivating (crops)
ของ khaawngRof; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"]
โลก  lo:hkFthe planet Earth
ให้ haiFto give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something
มากขึ้นmaakF kheunFincreasingly

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