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เล่นงาน lenF ngaanM |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เล่น-งาน |
IPA | lên ŋaːn |
Royal Thai General System | len ngan |
1.  [verb, transitive, intransitive, colloquial] | |||
definition | to attack; assault; get even with; reprimand; scold; blame; reproach | ||
components | เล่น | lenF | to play; have fun; enjoy; amuse; jest; have fun on the Internet |
งาน | ngaanM | work; job; duty; business; function; activity | |
sample sentences | |||
2.  [verb] | |||
definition | to tackle; maltreat; persecute; oppress | ||
components | เล่น | lenF | to play; have fun; enjoy; amuse; jest; have fun on the Internet |
งาน | ngaanM | work; job; duty; business; function; activity | |
synonym | โจมตี | jo:hmM dteeM | to criticize; abuse; blame; censure; have a go (at) (informal); put down; vilify; bash |