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haakL khraiM khaoF ruaamF saL napL saL noonR gaawF aatL thuukL dtraaM naaF waaF dtawngF gaanM bpohkL bpaawngF khohnM go:hngM chaatF ginM meuuangM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiหาก-ไคฺร-เค่า-ร่วม-สะ-หฺนับ-สะ-หฺนุน-ก้อ-อาด-ถูก-ตฺรา-น่า-ว่า-ต็้อง-กาน-ปก-ป้อง-คน-โกง-ชาด-กิน-เมือง
IPAhàːk kʰraj kʰâw rûːam sà nàp sà nǔn kɔ̂ː ʔàːt tʰùːk traː nâː wâː tɔ̂ŋ kaːn pòk pɔ̂ːŋ kʰon koːŋ tɕʰâːt kin mɯːaŋ
Royal Thai General Systemhak khrai khao ruam sanapsanun ko at thuk tra na wa tong kan pok pong khon kong chat kin mueang

 [example sentence]
"If anyone joins in assisting (this group) they will be labeled as wanting to protect those who wish to deceive their nation and rob their country."

componentsหาก haakLallowing that; if; despite; rather
ใคร khraiManyone; anybody; someone; somebody; whoever
เข้าร่วมkhaoF ruaamFto join in; participate; partake
สนับสนุน saL napL saL noonRto support or help; to sponsor
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
อาจ aatL[used with another verb to indicate possibility] may; might
ถูก thuukL[a verb particle reflecting passive voice]
ตราหน้าdtraaM naaFto brand; label; stigmatize; condemn; disparage
ว่า waaFto speak; say; aver; think
ต้องการdtawngF gaanMto need; want; require; desired
ปกป้องbpohkL bpaawngFto guard; protect; defend; shelter
คน khohnMperson; guy; people; man; human being
โกง go:hngMto cheat; deceive; trick
ชาติ chaatFnational; of a nation; race; of a country
กิน ginMto eat or drink; consume; exploit
เมือง meuuangMcity; nation; country; land; town

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