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dtamM ruaatL japL dtuaaM gaanM yaiL khaaH yaaM baaF daiF khaL naL gamM langM khohnR yaaM baaF khaamF chaaiM daaenM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiตำ-หฺรวด-จับ-ตัว-กาน-ไหฺย่-ค้า-ยา-บ้า-ได้-ขะ-หฺนะ-กำ-ลัง-ขน-ยา-บ้า-ค่าม-ชาย-แดน
IPAtam rùːat tɕàp tuːa kaːn jàj kʰáː jaː bâː dâj kʰà nàʔ kam laŋ kʰǒn jaː bâː kʰâːm tɕʰaːj dɛːn
Royal Thai General Systemtamruat chap tua kan yai kha ya ba dai khana kamlang khon ya ba kham chai daen

 [example sentence]
"The police captured the ringleader [of the gang] selling methamphetamines while he was transporting the drugs across the border."

componentsตำรวจdtamM ruaatLa policeman; cop
จับ japLto arrest; catch; get a hold of; touch; capture; seize; grope
ตัวการdtuaaM gaanMringleader; culprit; chief; proxy; primary figure
ใหญ่ yaiL[is] big; large; huge; major; enormous; extensive; sizeable
ค้า khaaHto trade; to do business; to do commerce; to barter; to buy and sell; to vend; to traffic in
ยาบ้าyaaM baaFspeed; methamphetamine
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
ขณะ khaL naLinstant; moment, a short time; occasion; juncture; hour
กำลัง gamM langM[auxiliary verb indicating the present participle, meaning "in the act of" or "in the process of", similar to the English suffix, "-ing"]
ขน khohnRto transport; carry off; remove; take away
ยาบ้าyaaM baaFspeed; methamphetamine
ข้าม khaamFto cross over; pass over; step over; skip over
ชายแดนchaaiM daaenMborder area of a nation; frontier

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