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dtuaaM gaanM
Royal Institute - 1982
ตัวการ  /ตัว-กาน/
[นาม] ผู้ก่อเหตุ.
[นาม] (หัวข้อ: กฎ) ผู้กระทำความผิด.
[นาม] (หัวข้อ: กฎ) บุคคลซึ่งมอบอำนาจโดยตรงหรือโดยปริยายให้บุคคลอีกคนหนึ่งทำการแทนตน.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiตัว-กาน
IPAtuːa kaːn
Royal Thai General Systemtua kan

1.   [noun]
ringleader; culprit; chief; proxy; primary figure

classifierคน khohnM[numerical classifier for a person or occupation]
componentsตัว dtuaaM[Thai prefix meaning] "doer"; [as in the English suffix] "-er" or "-or"
การ gaanMwork; job; task; business; duty; action [can be placed before or after a word—see notes]
synonymโม่งmo:hngFbandit; robber
dtamM ruaatL japL dtuaaM gaanM yaiL khaaH yaaM baaF daiF khaL naL gamM langM khohnR yaaM baaF khaamF chaaiM daaenM
"The police captured the ringleader [of the gang] selling methamphetamines while he was transporting the drugs across the border."
2.   [noun]
cause; reason; origin; source; motive

componentsตัว dtuaaM[Thai prefix meaning] "doer"; [as in the English suffix] "-er" or "-or"
การ gaanMwork; job; task; business; duty; action [can be placed before or after a word—see notes]
synonymsชนวนเหตุchaH nuaanM haehtLroot cause
ต้นเหตุdtohnF haehtLsource or cause of the trouble
สาเหตุ saaR haehtLcause; basis; reason
yaaM saehpL dtitL bpenM dtuaaM gaanM samR khanM theeF gaawL haiF geertL khwaamM roonM raaengM naiM sangR khohmM thaiM
"Addictive drugs are a major cause of violence in Thai society."

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