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ประโยคหลังยังแว่วเข้าหูผมไม่หาย ขณะลงจากรถพ่อมายืนรอรถเมล์อยู่หน้าห้าง
bpraL yo:hkL langR yangM waaeoF khaoF huuR phohmR maiF haaiR khaL naL lohngM jaakL rohtH phaawF maaM yeuunM raawM rohtH maehM yuuL naaF haangF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiปฺระ-โหฺยก-หฺลัง-ยัง-แว่ว-เค่า-หู-ผม-ไม่-หาย-ขะ-หฺนะ-ลง-จาก-รด-พ่อ-มา-ยืน-รอ-รด-เม-หฺยู่-น่า-ฮ่าง
IPApràʔ jòːk lǎŋ jaŋ wɛ̂ːw kʰâw hǔː pʰǒm mâj hǎːj kʰà nàʔ loŋ tɕàːk rót pʰɔ̂ː maː jɯːn rɔː rót meː jùː nâː hâːŋ
Royal Thai General Systemprayok lang yang waeo khao hu phom mai hai khana long chak rot pho ma yuen ro rot me yu na hang

 [example sentence]
"[My father’s] last sentence continued to reverberated in my ears as I left his car to stand and wait for the bus in front of the department store."

componentsประโยค bpraL yo:hkL[Thai grammar] a sentence
หลัง langRbehind; following; at the rear
ยัง yangMyet; since; not yet; still
แว่ว waaeoFto hear vaguely; hear in the distance; hear slightly; hear indistinctly; dimly hear
เข้าหูkhaoF huuRto hear; to have heard
ผม phohmR[used by male speakers] I; me; my
ไม่ maiFnot; no
หาย haaiRto disappear; lose; lost; be missing
ขณะ khaL naLwhile; when; as
ลง lohngMto come down; go down; get off; get out of; descend; land
จาก jaakLfrom
รถ rohtHcar; vehicle; bus
พ่อ phaawFfather
มา maaM[directional auxiliary inticating "approach" or "toward the object"]
ยืน yeuunMto stand
รอ raawMto wait; to stay; to linger; to remain; to go slowly
รถเมล์ rohtH maehMbus
อยู่ yuuL[marker indicating the progressive or perfect aspect]
หน้า naaFin front of
ห้าง haangFdepartment store; firm

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