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ส่วนแมวท้องถิ่นหรือว่าแมวจรจัดเนี่ย เราอย่าไปใกล้มันนะครับ มันจะดุกว่าแมวที่บ้าน มันอาจจะกัดเราได้นะครับ
suaanL maaeoM thaawngH thinL reuuR waaF maaeoM jaawnM jatL niiaF raoM yaaL bpaiM glaiF manM naH khrapH manM jaL dooL gwaaL maaeoM theeF baanF manM aatL jaL gatL raoM daiF naH khrapH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiส่วน-แมว-ท้อง-ถิ่น-หฺรือ-ว่า-แมว-จอน-จัด-เนี่ย-เรา-หฺย่า-ไป-ไกฺล้-มัน-นะ-คฺรับ-มัน-จะ-ดุ-กฺว่า-แมว-ที่-บ้าน-มัน-อาด-จะ-กัด-เรา-ได้-นะ-คฺรับ
IPAsùːan mɛːw tʰɔ́ːŋ tʰìn rɯ̌ː wâː mɛːw tɕɔːn tɕàt nîːa raw jàː paj klâj man náʔ kʰráp man tɕàʔ dùʔ kwàː mɛːw tʰîː bâːn man ʔàːt tɕàʔ kàt raw dâj náʔ kʰráp
Royal Thai General Systemsuan maeo thong thin rue wa maeo chon chat nia rao ya pai klai man na khrap man cha du kwa maeo thi ban man at cha kat rao dai na khrap

 [example sentence]
"As for local cats or stray cats, we should not approach them; they are much more aggressive than a house cat. They may even bite us."

componentsส่วน suaanLthus; for instance; as for...
แมว  maaeoMcat
ท้องถิ่นthaawngH thinL[is] local; indigenous; locality; district; area
หรือว่าreuuR waaF"whether..." — "or that..."
แมว  maaeoMcat
จรจัดjaawnM jatL[is] vagrant; homeless; stray
เนี่ย niiaF[a particle usually used in the interrogative to indicate emphasis]
เรา raoMwe; us; our
อย่า yaaLdon't...; do not...; don't be...; doesn't
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
ใกล้ glaiF[is] near; close; close in time
มัน manM[the indefinite pronoun for referring to animals or things] it, they, them
นะ naH[word added to the end of a sentence to soften it, make it polite, indicate pleading, disagreement, ordering, surprise or emphasis]
ครับ khrapH[word added by a male speaker to the end of every sentence to convey politeness or] "yes"; "that's right"; "I see."
มันจะmanM jaLit will
ดุ dooL[is] fierce; dangerous; ferocious; fiery; menacing; savage; vicious; stern; strict
กว่า gwaaL[suffix used for comparisons] than; more; -er
แมว  maaeoMcat
ที่บ้านtheeF baanFat home; to the home
มัน manM[the indefinite pronoun for referring to animals or things] it, they, them
อาจจะaatL jaL[auxiliary verb combination] may (possibility); might; maybe; perhaps will; probably; possibly
กัด gatLto bite; nibble; corrode; nip
เรา raoMwe; us; our
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
นะ naH[word added to the end of a sentence to soften it, make it polite, indicate pleading, disagreement, ordering, surprise or emphasis]
ครับ khrapH[word added by a male speaker to the end of every sentence to convey politeness or] "yes"; "that's right"; "I see."

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