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หล่อนตัดสินใจได้ง่ายเหลือเกิน ว่าจะเอาหรือจะทิ้งของสิ่งหนึ่งสิ่งใด ในชีวิตของหล่อนคงไม่เคยพบความอัตคัดขัดสนกระมัง laawnL dtatL sinR jaiM daiF ngaaiF leuuaR geernM waaF jaL aoM reuuR jaL thingH khaawngR singL neungL singL daiM naiM cheeM witH khaawngR laawnL khohngM maiF kheeuyM phohpH khwaamM atL dtaL khatH khatL sohnR graL mangM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | หฺล่อน-ตัด-สิน-ไจ-ได้-ง่าย-เหฺลือ-เกิน-ว่า-จะ-เอา-หฺรือ-จะ-ทิ้ง-ของ-สิ่ง-หฺนึ่ง-สิ่ง-ได-ไน-ชี-วิด-ของ-หฺล่อน-คง-ไม่-เคย-พบ-คฺวาม-อัด-ตะ-คัด-ขัด-สน-กฺระ-มัง |
IPA | lɔ̀ːn tàt sǐn tɕaj dâj ŋâːj lɯ̌ːa kɤːn wâː tɕàʔ ʔaw rɯ̌ː tɕàʔ tʰíŋ kʰɔ̌ːŋ sìŋ nɯ̀ŋ sìŋ daj naj tɕʰiː wít kʰɔ̌ːŋ lɔ̀ːn kʰoŋ mâj kʰɤːj pʰóp kʰwaːm ʔàt tà kʰát kʰàt sǒn kràʔ maŋ |
Royal Thai General System | lon tat sin chai dai ngai luea koen wa cha ao rue cha thing khong sing nueng sing dai nai chiwit khong lon khong mai khoei phop khwam attakhat khatson kramang |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "She made her decision very easily whether to keep or to throw away one thing or another; in her life had she had likely never experienced poverty like this." | ||
components | หล่อน | laawnL | [a 3rd person pronoun] she, her |
ตัดสินใจ | dtatL sinR jaiM | to decide; determine; make up one's mind; declare | |
ได้ | daiF | can; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission] | |
ง่าย | ngaaiF | [is] easy; not difficult; simple | |
เหลือเกิน | leuuaR geernM | excessively; too; too much | |
ว่า | waaF | [proposition complementizer] that...; as... [see examples] | |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
เอา | aoM | to take; get; bring | |
หรือ | reuuR | or | |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
ทิ้ง | thingH | to abandon; discard; throw away; to leave (an object) behind; throw; cast | |
ของ | khaawngR | thing; goods; possession; belonging; item; stuff | |
สิ่ง | singL | [general term for] a thing; item | |
หนึ่ง | neungL | one; the number or quantity one | |
สิ่งใด | singL daiM | anything; something | |
ใน | naiM | in; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time | |
ชีวิต | cheeM witH | life | |
ของ | khaawngR | of; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"] | |
หล่อน | laawnL | [a 3rd person pronoun] she, her | |
คง | khohngM | probably; most likely | |
ไม่เคย | maiF kheeuyM | [auxiliary verb combination] has never...; never did... | |
พบ | phohpH | to meet or rendezvous; locate; find; encounter; experience; discover | |
ความ | khwaamM | [a prefix which converts an adjective or verb into a noun] | |
อัตคัดขัดสน | atL dtaL khatH khatL sohnR | on one's uppers; (to live) in straitened circumstances; destitute; penniless; down and out; impoverished; indigent; insolvent; moneyless; penurious; poor; poverty-stricken | |
กระมัง | graL mangM | likely as not, perhaps, maybe, probably | |