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phuaakF raoM dtawngF chuayF ganM bamM roongM siL laH bpaL watH thaH naH thamM pheuunH baanF khaawngR raoM waiH chuaaF luukF chuaaF laanR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพวก-เรา-ต็้อง-ช่วย-กัน-บำ-รุง-สิ-ละ-ปะ-วัด-ทะ-นะ-ทัม-พื้น-บ้าน-ของ-เรา-ไว้-ชั่ว-ลูก-ชั่ว-หฺลาน
IPApʰûːak raw tɔ̂ŋ tɕʰûaj kan bam ruŋ sìʔ lá pà wát tʰá ná tʰam pʰɯ́ːn bâːn kʰɔ̌ːŋ raw wáj tɕʰûːa lûːk tɕʰûːa lǎːn
Royal Thai General Systemphuak rao tong chuai kan bamrung silapa watthanatham phuen ban khong rao wai chua luk chua lan

 [example sentence]
"We need to assist each other in preserving our indigenous arts and culture for posterity."

componentsพวกเราphuaakF raoMeveryone; everybody; we; us
ต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
ช่วยกันchuayF ganMto help each other
บำรุง bamM roongMto care for; maintain; nurture; support
ศิลป siL laH bpaLart, the arts
วัฒนธรรม watH thaH naH thamMculture; civil behavior
พื้นบ้านpheuunH baanF[is] local; indigenous
ของเราkhaawngR raoMour; ours
ไว้ waiH[aspect marker indicating a completed event which is considered beneficial]
ชั่วลูกชั่วหลานchuaaF luukF chuaaF laanRforever; for posterity; for the lives of our decendants

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