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ฉันอาจดูเป็นคนดี แต่ฉันสามารถบดขยี้คุณได้เหมือนกับน้ำแข็ง
chanR aatL duuM bpenM khohnM deeM dtaaeL chanR saaR maatF bohtL khaL yeeF khoonM daiF meuuanR gapL namH khaengR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiฉัน-อาด-ดู-เป็น-คน-ดี-แต่-ฉัน-สา-มาด-บด-ขะ-ยี่-คุน-ได้-เหฺมือน-กับ-น้ำ-แข็ง
IPAtɕʰǎn ʔàːt duː pen kʰon diː tɛ̀ː tɕʰǎn sǎː mâːt bòt kʰà jîː kʰun dâj mɯ̌ːan kàp nám kʰɛ̌ŋ
Royal Thai General Systemchan at du pen khon di tae chan samat bot khayi khun dai muean kap nam khaeng

 [example sentence]
"I might look like a nice guy, but I do have the ability to crush you like ice."

componentsฉัน chanR[used by females in an informal setting—also used by males with intimate friends or lovers] I, me, my
อาจ aatL[used with another verb to indicate possibility] may; might
ดู duuMto look at; examine; or inspect; to watch (for example, a film)
เป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
คนดีkhohnM deeMa good person
แต่ dtaaeLbut; even; however; rather
ฉัน chanR[used by females in an informal setting—also used by males with intimate friends or lovers] I, me, my
สามารถ saaR maatF[is] capable; able
บดขยี้bohtL khaL yeeFto crush, pulverize, devastate
คุณ khoonM[singular and plural] you; your
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
เหมือนกับmeuuanR gapLsame as; similar to; as if
น้ำแข็งnamH khaengRice

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