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กล่อม glaawmL |
contents of this page | |
1. | to comfort, to soothe, to calm, to lull to sleep by singing or reciting nursery rhymes |
2. | to persuade; convince |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | กฺล่อม |
IPA | klɔ̀ːm |
Royal Thai General System | klom |
1.  [verb, intransitive] | |||
definition | to comfort, to soothe, to calm, to lull to sleep by singing or reciting nursery rhymes | ||
examples | เพลงกล่อมลูก | phlaehngM glaawmL luukF | nursery rhyme; lullaby |
กล่อมใจ | glaawmL jaiM | to soothe or comfort (someone) | |
เกลี้ยกล่อม | gliiaF glaawmL | to convince; prevail upon; coax; induce; to persuade; cajole; talk (someone) into; allure; wheedle | |
กล่อมเกลา | glaawmL glaoM | to train; instruct; bring up well | |
กล่อมเกลี้ยง | glaawmL gliiangF | to nurture; train; coach | |
เพลงกล่อมเด็ก | phlaehngM glaawmL dekL | lullaby; nursery rhyme | |
ขับกล่อม | khapL glaawmL | to lull with song or soothing sounds | |
ยากล่อมประสาท | yaaM glaawmL bpraL saatL | tranquillizer; anti-anxiety medication; nerve powder | |
การกล่อมลูกน้อยเข้านอน | gaanM glaawmL luukF naawyH khaoF naawnM | telling bedtime stories; helping small children go to sleep | |
2.  | |||
definition | to persuade; convince | ||
sample sentences | |||