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1.  [adjective, formal, loanword, Pali]
definition | [is] bad; evil; base
synonyms | จัญไร  | janM raiM | [is] accursed; doomed; ill-fated |
ใจร้าย  | jaiM raaiH | [is] angry; upset; rash; nasty; vicious; mean; cruel; cruel-hearted |
ใจร้ายใจดำ | jaiM raaiH jaiM damM | [is] mean; wicked; unkind; cruel |
ใจหิน | jaiM hinR | [is] heartless, cruel, pitiless |
ชั่วช้า | chuaaF chaaH | [is] wicked; atrocious; nefarious; vicious; vile |
ชั่วร้าย | chuaaF raaiH | [is] terrible |
ชั่วร้ายเลวทราม | chuaaF raaiH laayoM saamM | [is] evil, vile, terrible |
ต่ำชั้นต่ำช้า | dtamL chanH dtamL chaaH | [is] low; base; degraded |
ต่ำช้า  | dtamL chaaH | [showing strong disapproval] [is] degraded; depraved; low and mean; corrupted; contaminated; morally bad |
ป่าเถื่อน  | bpaaL theuuanL | [is] wild; savage; barbaric; barbarous; uncivil; uncultivated; uncivilized; rude |
พาล  | phaanM | [is] bad; wicked |
มหาโหด | maH haaR ho:htL | [is] very cruel; very brutal; terrible |
ระยำ | raH yamM | [is] mean; detestable; villainous; despicable; wretched; wicked; vile |
เลวทราม | laayoM saamM | [is] vile |
วายร้าย | waaiM raaiH | [is] devilish; evil; fiendish; diabolical; demonic; despicable; (an ill wind) |
หยาบคาย | yaapL khaaiM | [is] vulgar; boorish; crude; loutish; churlish; coarse; crude; oafish; uncivilized; uncouth |
หยาบช้า | yaapL chaaH | [is] vulgar; coarse; common; uncouth |
เหี้ยมโหด  | hiiamF ho:htL | [is] cruel |
โหดร้าย  | ho:htL raaiH | [is] atrocious; merciless; cruel; pitiless; ruthless; brutal |
โหดเหี้ยม  | ho:htL hiiamF | [is] ruthless; brutal; pitiless; heartless; cruel |
อนารยะ | aL naaM raH yaH | [is] uncivilized; savage; barbarous |
อัปรีย์ | apL bpreeM | [is] unpropitious; inauspicious; wicked; despicable |
อำมหิต  | amM maH hitL | [is] cruel; savage; fierce; brutal; merciless; wicked |
อุบาทว์ | ooL baatL | [is] wicked; evil |
related words | กาลีบ้านกาลีเมือง | gaaM leeM baanF gaaM leeM meuuangM | vulgar; evil; wicked; devilish |
ชั่ว  | chuaaF | [is] bad; evil; wicked |
ชั่วช้ากาลี | chuaaF chaaH gaaM leeM | [showing strong disapproval] evil; wicked; devilish |
ตัวเสนียด | dtuaaM saL niiatL | a creep, a despicable person |
ต่ำ  | dtamL | [is] low; short; depressed; base |
ต่ำช้า  | dtamL chaaH | [showing strong disapproval] [is] degraded; depraved; low and mean; corrupted; contaminated; morally bad |
ต่ำช้าสามานย์  | dtamL chaaH saaR maanM | [an extremely disparaging and derogatory reprimand] low life-like; degraded; depraved; low and mean; corrupted; contaminated; morally bad; ill-natured; malicious; malign; malevolent; base; evil, wicked |
ต่ำทราม  | dtamL saamM | [showing sheer disdain] base and inferior |
ทราม  | saamM | [showing strong disapproval] low; mean; base; degraded; menial; servile; inferior |
เลว  | laayoM | [is] bad; inferior; worthless; base; vile |
สถุล | saL thoonR | [is] vile; mean; base; contemptible; harsh; rough; coarse; low |
เสนียดจัญไร | saL niiatL janM raiM | evil; a despicable person |
เหี้ย | hiiaF | creep, a despicable or bad person, a worthless character |
อัปลักษณ์  | apL bpaL lakH | [is] ugly; bad; of bad characteristics; wicked; base; mean; low; inferior |
example | ต่ำช้าสามานย์  | dtamL chaaH saaR maanM | [an extremely disparaging and derogatory reprimand] low life-like; degraded; depraved; low and mean; corrupted; contaminated; morally bad; ill-natured; malicious; malign; malevolent; base; evil, wicked |
2.  [adjective, loanword, Pali]
definition | [is] common; common-place