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ฝืนทน feuunR thohnM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ฝืน-ทน |
IPA | fɯ̌ːn tʰon |
Royal Thai General System | fuen thon |
1.  [verb] | |||
definition | to tolerate; endure; bear | ||
components | ฝืน | feuunR | to make an effort; to force oneself; to persist |
ทน | thohnM | to bear; stand; put up with; tolerate; endure; last | |
synonyms | กล้ำกลืน | glamF gleuunM | to tolerate; [is] patient; suppress; endure; bear |
ทน | thohnM | to bear; stand; put up with; tolerate; endure; last | |
อดกลั้น | ohtL glanF | to restrain (e.g. one's anger); tolerate; be patient; suppress; endure; bear | |
sample sentence | |||
2. จักฝืนทน jakL feuunR thohnM [verb] | |||
definition | would endure | ||
components | จัก | jakL | [auxiliary verb indicating an immediate consequence or future desire, "would like to", will, shall] |
ฝืน | feuunR | to make an effort; to force oneself; to persist | |
ทน | thohnM | to bear; stand; put up with; tolerate; endure; last | |
sample sentence | |||