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เพราะคำพูดลอย ๆ ของเขานั่นเอง จึงทำให้หลายคนคิดมาก
phrawH khamM phuutF laawyM laawyM khaawngR khaoR nanF aehngM jeungM thamM haiF laaiR khohnM khitH maakF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเพฺราะ-คำ-พูด-ลอย-ลอย-ของ-เขา-นั่น-เอง-จึง-ทำ-ไฮ่-หฺลาย-คน-คิด-มาก
IPApʰrɔ́ʔ kʰam pʰûːt lɔːj lɔːj kʰɔ̌ːŋ kʰǎw nân ʔeːŋ tɕɯŋ tʰam hâj lǎːj kʰon kʰít mâːk
Royal Thai General Systemphro kham phut loi loi khong khao nan eng chueng tham hai lai khon khit mak

 [example sentence]
"Precisely because he spoke so indistinctly, many people read far too much into what he said."

componentsเพราะ phrawHbecause; because of; due to; owing to
คำพูดkhamM phuutFword; speech; spoken word; utterance; statement
ลอย ๆlaawyM laawyMindistinctly; vaguely; unclearly; in a circuitous or rambling fashion
ของเขาkhaawngR khaoRhis; her; their; hers
นั่นเองnanF aehngM[word used to emphasize an element in a sentence] there; sure enough
จึง jeungMthus; therefore; so
ทำให้thamM haiF[prefix which creates a verb from an adjective, corresponding to the English suffix (adj.)-en] to cause to be...; to make...; to effect...; to render as...
หลายคนlaaiR khohnMlots of people; a lot of people
คิดมากkhitH maakFto think too much or a lot; to be serious; to take (someone's remark) personally

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