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bpenM phaawM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเป็น-พอ
IPApen pʰɔː
Royal Thai General Systempen pho

 [verb, phrase]
[is] sufficient; enough; adequate

componentsเป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
พอ phaawM[is] sufficient; [does] suffice; [is] adequate; enough
พนักงานจะมาเมื่อไร ไม่มีใครว่า เอาให้งานเสร็จเป็นพอ
phaH nakH ngaanM jaL maaM meuuaF raiM maiF meeM khraiM waaF aoM haiF ngaanM setL bpenM phaawM
"No one criticizes an employee whenever they come to work; it is only important that they get the work done." "An employee can come to work at any time; they must, however, get their work done."
แมวอะไรไม่สำคัญหรอก ขอให้จับหนูได้ก็เป็นพอ
maaeoM aL raiM maiF samR khanM raawkL khaawR haiF japL nuuR daiF gaawF bpenM phaawM
"It's not important which cat it is; just let it be good at catching mice."
wangR khaaeF phohnH khwaamM hiuR gaawF bpenM phaawM
"Your only hope is that hunger will pass."

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